Education of foreigners
The number of foreigners studying in schools in the Czech Republic is increasing. Higher education (universities) was an area of education, in which usually most foreigners study. In the last two school years, however, the number of foreigners studying in lower-type schools has increased significantly, mainly due to the war conflict in Ukraine. In the school year 2023/2024, 19 409 foreigners were studying in nursery schools, 70 662 foreigners were studying in basic schools (by 40 thousand more foreigners than in 2021/2022) and 17 184 foreigners were studying in secondary schools. In 2023, 55 493 foreigners were studying at universities, representing 18% of all students in both public and private universities.
Number of foreigners at nursery schools
Publication date: 12. 02. 2025
Number of foreigners at basic schools
Publication date: 12. 02. 2025
Number of foreigners at secondary schools
Publication date: 12. 02. 2025
Number of foreigners at universities
Publication date: 12. 02. 2025
Data and time series
Numbers of foreigners studying at schools in the Czech Republic by type of school
2015/16 | 2016/17 | 2017/18 | 2018/19 | 2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | |
Nursery schools | 8,302 | 9,494 | 10,469 | 11,343 | 11,942 | 11,864 | 12,103 | 19,567 | 19,409 |
Basic schools | 18,281 | 20,237 | 21,992 | 24,026 | 26,527 | 28,380 | 30,543 | 72,748 | 70,662 |
Secondary schools | 8,763 | 9,063 | 9,195 | 9,305 | 9,496 | 9,751 | 10,053 | 14,128 | 17,184 |
Conservatoires | 212 | 214 | 208 | 209 | 219 | 210 | 210 | 281 | 269 |
Higher professional schools | 587 | 611 | 647 | 705 | 732 | 737 | 721 | 762 | 882 |
Universities1) | 42,009 | 43,430 | 43,643 | 44,642 | 46,281 | 49,839 | 51,729 | 54,624 | 55,493 |
Source: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
1) Data on university students as at 31 December 2023. The data may not be the same as those published in previous years, because data in students’ registers of universities can be updated also backwards.