Databases, registers
- Public database
Public Database – a unified and basic data source for presentation of statistical data targeted mainly on the public.
- Database of National Accounts
Database of National Accounts – macroeconomic data.
- Database of Demographic Indicators for Selected Towns of the Czech Republic
Database of Demographic Indicators for Selected Towns of the Czech Republic – The presentation of demographic data for selected towns in a long time series follows the former CZSO’s publication entitled “The development of basic demographic indicators for selected towns of the Czech Republic”.
- Register of Census Districts and Buildings
Register of Census Districts and Buildings (RSO) is the public list, which is maintained by the Czech Statistical Office in compliance with Article 20a) of Act No. 89/1995 Coll., on the State Statistical Service, as amended (Act No. 81/2004 Coll., Act No. 230/2006 Coll.).
- Database of International Trade in Goods (change of ownership)
Database of International Trade in Goods (change of ownership) - detailed data on the International trade in goods (change of ownership).
- Database of Cross-border movements of goods
Database of Cross-border movements of goods – data on exports and imports, according to the cross-border movement of goods.
- The Basic Register of Legal and Natural Persons (ROS)
The Basic Register of Legal and Natural Persons (ROS) – is one of the basic registers of public administration. It registers legal entities and organizational units of legal entities, entrepreneurial natural persons, entrepreneurial foreign entities and organizational units of foreign persons, organizations with an international element, organizational units of the state and public authorities.
- Business Register
Business Register – a public list of legal persons and natural persons with the status of an entrepreneur and organisational units of the state that are accounting entities – kept updated.