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Czechoslovak Population Census – 1970

Another population census took place on 1 December 1970. Within this census, a sample census was made for the first time; it extended the surveyed data by sample characteristics, especially income of households. For the first time, a high-capacity mainframe computer CDC 3300 was used for processing of the results. Also for the first time, census results were processed also for the so-called basic settlement units (i.e. localities in the countryside settlement and urbanistic districts in selected towns). Newly surveyed characteristics were: birth certificate number, citizenship, and within surveying on the commute to work and schools also the frequency, distance, period and means of transport used were surveyed. Important was also survey on wanted or unwanted coexistence of census households in one dwelling and also equipment of households with some consumer durables. Computer processing of the results enabled a wide publication of data. In the series Czechoslovak Statistics, Population Census, under the common name Population and Housing Census as at 1 December 1970, the total of 7 national and 11 nationwide xerographic publications were published. The Federal Statistical Office issued in 1975 a publication called Development of the Society of the CSSR in Figures (according to the 1970 Population and Housing Census). Similar publications were issued also by the National Statistical Offices.