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Czechoslovak Population Census – 1961

On 1 March 1961, already the fourth population census from the foundation of the independent Czechoslovak Republic took place. The whole processing of the census was made for the first time for resident population and according to the concept of the so-called census households. Unlike in the previous censuses, for the first time were surveyed and processed data on commute to work between districts as well as to bigger towns. Obtained data on resident population enabled to subsequently establish and keep annual balance of the population according to many criteria. In the 1961 census, four qualitatively new features of processing emerged. Firstly, more than a million census cards filled in by persons enumerated on the place of their temporary presence were transferred to their permanent residence. It enabled at the same time to add and specify records in census sheets for persons, who were not present during the census. This organizationally demanding approach of hand-made transfer of census cards in the form of so-called inter-district and inter-regional exchange was used also for all the following censuses. Further, it was possible on the basis of more reliable records on resident persons to find out real family relationships and thus also the structure of households and families. Processing of data on resident population enabled also to survey and analyse data on commute to work by region, district and towns having population of 20 and more thousand. And, finally, a detailed processing of data on houses, dwellings, their equipment (category) and size, age and type of house, at the same time in relation to types of households or numbers of persons living in specific sets of dwellings was made.

Census results were published in 4 volumes of the series
Czechoslovak Statistics (New series, group A – Source Works) in 1965 under common name Population and Housing Census in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic as at 1 March 1961. From the processed results, also in 1965, a publication Development of the Society of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic in Figures was issued with the subhead: Analyses of Population and Housing Census Results. In the post-war history of the Czechoslovakia, it is rightfully considered to be the best prepared, processed, documented and analytically utilised census.