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Czechoslovak Population Census – 1930

The second Czechoslovak population census was to be carried out already in 1925 according to the Act No. 256/1920 Sb. However, economic reasons and influence of practice prevailing in most countries all over the world (i.e. censuses of a ten-year periodicity) resulted in the Act No. 47/1927 Sb. prescribing that the second Czechoslovak census was to be carried out on 1 December 1930. Content of the census was extended. Newly introduced features were, for example, the former residence of the enumerated provided that the person was not enumerated in the native municipality. Further, surveyed was also the place from which the enumerated person moved to the place of enumeration. Nevertheless, what is considered to be the most important is surveying of data on fertility of women.
Results of the 1930 population census were published in eight volumes of “Czechoslovak Statisticsand processing of data on dwellings was in a separate volume.

The following population census was to be carried out in 1940. Its taking place in the reduced territory of the Bohemia and Moravia Protectorate was prevented by Czech politicians and demographers who justified it by non-preparedness (intending most of all not to provide the occupants with reliable material for the war economy). The first post-war listings from 1946 and 1947 in the restored Czechoslovakia were only partial actions, while a population census was carried out in 1950.