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Competence of the CZSO in elections and a referendum

Legal regulations in the area of elections and a nationwide referendum in the Czech Republic entrust all activities at their preparation and organization to the competence of electoral bodies and define them as performance of state administration. The CZSO is determined to be one of the electoral bodies and the following was stipulated to be its main task:

to elaborate a binding system to find out and process election results or results of voting in a nationwide referendum and to ensure that respective software is designed for the purpose of processing and providing of results of elections and a referendum.

Within this task, the CZSO performs also the following activities:

  • it ensures technical support for a system for processing of election results at workplaces established at authorized municipal authorities or at regional authorities, at the State Electoral Committee or at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; while doing so, the CZSO cooperates with the aforementioned electoral bodies;
  • it processes election results, elaborates records on election results, processes overall results, and makes background materials for a record of the State Electoral Committee;
  • it ensures technical support to make accessible and provide ongoing and overall election results;
  • after overall election results are announced, it provides upon request information on election results in a required territorial breakdown;
  • it makes registers and nomenclatures of candidates and candidating electoral parties, and nomenclatures of election territories;
  • it notifies of potential duplicates of candidating political entities and candidates to the respective election body;
  • for individual election workplaces it ensures employees of the CZSO authorized to find out and process election results as well as required number of other persons necessary to fulfil tasks of these workplaces and it trains them;   
  • it trains determined members of district election commissions regarding the system of finding out and processing of election results;  
  • it issues for district election commissions a written document certifying that election results were taken over from an electoral district flawlessly for their further processing;
  • it hands over records on the progress and result of voting (taken over from district election commissions) to the respective authorized municipal authorities to deposit;
  • it solves complaints about functioning of technical equipment and respective software used during processing of election results.