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Comparison of (Quasi-)Joblessness in Slovakia and the Czech Republic through the Marginal Means based on Logit Models

Martina Košíková, Erik Šoltés
Statistika, 103(4): 393–410

In the paper, we analyze one of the aspects of measuring poverty and social exclusion in the world within the context of the Europe 2030 Strategy, which is represented by very low work intensity. Using the data obtained from the EU-SILC 2021 statistical survey (for Slovakia and the Czech Republic), we apply logistic regression methods and generalized linear models to quantify the impact of relevant categorical factors on the Binary dependent variable very low work intensity of Slovak and Czech households. Based on the obtained results, wethe n process a comparative analysis, through which we quantify the same and also different features of these countries in terms of (quasi-)joblessness.

(Quasi-)joblessness, logistic regression, least squares means, work intensity