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Children's group

The Czech Statistical Office tries to provide its employees with the best possible working conditions and also offer help in successfully balancing work and family life. That is why he decided to build a children's group in his headquarters. Children from the age of 2 until the day of the start of compulsory school attendance are able to attend it. A maximum of 12 children can attend the group. Qualified nannies take care of the children.


The children's group was built as part of a project supported by funds from ESIF within the Employment Operational Program. The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs provides funds for the implementation of the project.

EU - ESF Operační program Zaměstnanost

Project title: Children's group Staťáček

Reg. No.: CZ.03.1.51/0.0/0.0/18_133/0014395

Project duration: 1. 7. 2019 – 30. 6. 2022 (36 months)

Project venue: Na Padesátém 3268/81, 100 82 Praha 10 – Strašnice

Capacity: 12 children

The type of childcare facility:

Children’s group according to Act No. 247/2014, on the provision of childcare services in children's groups

Target group: parents with children

Operational programme: Operational Programme Employment

Directing authority: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Priority axis: 1 Support for employment and adaptability of the workers

Invest priority: 1.2 Gender equality

Specific objective: Reduce differences between women and men on the labour market

Call: 03_18_133 Podpora vzniku a provozu dětských skupin pro podniky - dotace v hl. m. Praze
