Awards of the CZSO in 2019
- On 17th October 2019, the Czech Statistical Office won 2nd place in the "PR Team of the Year" category of the Spokesperson of the Year competition. It evaluates the work of press spokespersons and PR teams, who, by performing their profession, directly create a media-image of companies and institutions. The evaluation consists of two parts and is attended exclusively by public relations experts, press officers and journalists.
- The Czech Statistical Office ranked 8th position in the evaluation of public procurement of the project. Economists from Charles University in Prague have measured all public tenders over the past 3 years and examined how economically and fairly the state competes. 56 submitters were included in the evaluation.
- In the sixth year of the Fénix content marketing contest, in April 2019, the Statistika&My journal of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) ranked second in the B2E category. The contest evaluates the best outputs of corporations and institutions in terms of contents, sound work, and expressed creativity in the area of printed corporate media and online communication.
The Czech Statistical Office received the Neplejtvák 2019 award for the 8th place in the Public Sector category. It was among the top ten in the ranking, which evaluates good practice in public procurement and is published by Econlab z.s. and OTIDEA a.s.