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9. Requests for information and answers to questions already sent

Basic information on the Czech Statistical Office can be seen on official notice boards and on the CZSO websites.

Further information on the CZSO is provided by the Information Services Department, Na padesátém 81, Praha 10, postcode 100 82, phone: +420 274 052 304, fax: +420 274 054 070, e-mail:, by Directors or Information Services Sections of the Regional Offices or by authorised staff of the District Units.

The law and the CZSO internal Directive No. 15/2001 govern the scope of providing information under Act No. 106/1999 Sb.; prices are charged according to the valid scale.

Printed information can be provided for the price of copying. Provider should inform the user about the price of information in question.

Statistical information is provided under Act No. 89/1995 Sb. and not under Act No. 106/1999 Sb.

Answers to questions already sent are available in Czech version only.