4. Contacts
- 4.1 Contact address
Na padesátém 3268/81
100 82 Praha 10
the Czech Republic - 4.2 Office address for personal visit
The CZSO (headquarters), as a central authority of state administration with state-wide jurisdiction in matters of the state statistical service, has the postal address:
Na padesátém 3268/81
100 82 Praha 10
the Czech Republic
Besides headquarters, there are Regional Offices of the Czech Statistical Office, with their detached workplaces (District Units) located in the district capitals. - 4.3 Office hours
Office hours - 4.4 Phone and fax numbers
Phone: +420 274 051 111 (switchboard)
Information Service: +420 274 052 304
Fax number
Information Service: 274 054 070 - 4.5 Website
Official Notice Board
Information Service: infoservis@csu.gov.cz - 4.6 Filing office
Na padesátém 3268/81
100 82 Praha 10 - 4.7 Official e-mail for electronic signature
Official e-mail for electronic signature
email: podatelna@csu.gov.cz - 4.8 Data box