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2001 Population and Housing Census

2001 Population and Housing Census took place in harmony with methodological recommendations of the UN and Statistical Office of European Communities – Eurostat. Again, it was made in a traditional way of self-enumeration, i.e. each person filled in the relevant questionnaires for himself, his children, and eventually other persons in a household.

Enumerators handed over questionnaires into households and when they were filled in, they took them over. After they have taken over the filled in questionnaires from the citizens, they made a control of fulfilment for the relevant census district; gradually, they completed material for individual houses, prepared a background material for the so-called preliminary results of the census; they handed over the elaborated background material to census supervisors. They, after following checks, handed over all the filled in pre-printed forms and forms to individual district workplaces of the Czech Statistical Office, where preliminary results for municipalities and districts were summarized.

In total, the 2001 Population and Housing Census measured 26 pieces of data on persons, 18 on dwellings and housing, and 12 on buildings, namely with help of the following three forms: Census Questionnaire – Persons, Census Questionnaire - Dwellings, and Census Questionnaire - Buildings. All buildings determined for housing or all dwellings (i.e. also unoccupied) were liable to the Census.

Unlike in the previous censuses, some data that were measured in the past were eliminated this time and, on the contrary, new enquiries were included or they had another wording. Among newly introduced questions on the list of measured indicators on population there was a question about eventual second or further employment of a person enumerated. Similarly as in the previous census, nationality as well as denomination were measured strictly in a declaratory way, which means that citizens were free to express about the question according to their own conviction and thus fully in harmony with the stipulation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. From the data mapping household equipment, the census form newly included an enquiry whether a dwelling household has a computer (questions about having a freezer, automatic washing machine and a TV set were eliminated).

After all obtained data were processed (the capture of which was for the first time in the census history in the territory of the CR made by optical recognition) final results were gradually released. In harmony with the overall concept of data processing in the Czech Statistical Office, processing of data from the census was made in the Oracle database. Results were published in many outputs that are available in the widest possible classification and combinations, both in a printed and electronic version.