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Economic Results of Trade, Hotels and Restaurants in 2000-2004

Introductory note


The publication “Economic Results in Trade, Hotels and Restaurants 2000-2004“ contains information on the development of basic employment and financial data indicators on businesses in trade, hotels and restaurants that are classified by CZ-NACE in the following divisions:

50 Sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; retail of automotive fuel
51 Wholesale trade and commission trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
52 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles; repair of personal and household goods
55 Hotels and restaurants

Questionnaires P5-01 were sent in the above-mentioned years to legal persons and incorporated natural persons. The number of indicators divided the questionnaires into the following size versions according to employment of the specific business:

Ř questionnaire version (m) designed for enterprises with 0 employees (except joint-stock companies)*,
Ř questionnaire version (a) designed for enterprises with 1 to 19 employees (except joint-stock companies),
Ř questionnaire version (b) designed for enterprises with 20 to 99 employees (including joint-stock companies employing 0 to 99 persons),
Ř questionnaire version (c) designed for enterprises with 100+ employees (including joint-stock companies).

* This version was introduced from the reference period of the year 2002 (previously the questionnaire version (a) was used also for enterprises with 0 employees) when this statistical survey underwent partial adjustments to the methodology (questionnaire content revision, changes in the system of processing results), which were related inter alia to changing requirements of Eurostat (the Statistical Office of the European Communities) for annual structural surveys (Council Regulation No 58/1997).

Questionnaire P5-01 was prepared considering double-entry bookkeeping. The questionnaire versions differed one from another in the number of indicators. Among questionnaires P5-01, version P5-01 (m) and previously version P5-01 (a) was the least extensive. They asked about selected information on enterprise characteristics and organisational changes, labour and wages indicators, economic result, receipts and expenditures, and overall assets and liabilities indicators. Financial data were taken from accounting statements (balance sheet, profit and loss account) and completed in the questionnaire in whole thousands of CZK. In addition to the above so-called “core part” of the questionnaire, selected questionnaires contained independent sections designed for the specification of selected indicators by codes of the modified CZ-CPA (SKPm) and other independent supplements. In case of trading companies, an independent supplement was introduced from 2002 asking about industry-specific indicators, for example division of retail stores by size of sales space.

Questionnaires P4-01 were sent in the above-mentioned years to unincorporated natural persons. Irrespective of their size, these reporting units were surveyed using a single type of the questionnaire. It asked about selected indicators on labour and wages, receipts and expenditures, property and obligations, and basic investment data. Questionnaire P4-01 was drawn up considering single-entry bookkeeping. In case a unit used double-entry bookkeeping, it had to adapt the reporting of receipts and expenditures to single-entry bookkeeping. Reporting units applying expenditures as a percentage of the receipts completed the questionnaire according to a guess of individual components of receipts and expenditures. Financial data were completed in whole CZK.

In view of the high number of entities being in business in observed industries, a combination of exhaustive and sample survey was chosen. Reporting units were selected from the Business Register (BR). Exhaustive survey in the reference period usually covered reporting units with 20+ employees. Representative random samples were used for respondents up to 19 employees. Grossing up of the collected and validly completed questionnaires to the total population was carried out for the whole sample in the final stage of data processing. The grossing was made by the method of weight adjustment with weights computed on the basis of the probability sampling theory and using an additional variable of the number of employees and size of “sales” and other information on economic activity of enterprises taken from available administrative sources.

The publication offers basic overview of development of employment and wages, basic financial indicators on enterprises with principal activities trading, accommodation and catering. The data in the tables are broken down and aggregated according to the below-mentioned aspects:
  • by CZ-NACE,
  • by ISECTOR (institutional sectors),
  • by size of reporting units
Tables 1 contain data for ISECTOR 11+14, by 2-digit CZ-NACE activity and size.
Tables 2 contain data for ISECTOR 11+14, by 3-digit CZ-NACE activity.
Tables 3 contain data by 2-digit CZ-NACE activity for enterprises with 100+ employees from ISECTOR 11 that is further broken down into two basic sub-sectors which are ISECTOR 11001+11002 and ISECTOR 11003 (private foreign-controlled non-financial corporations).

Complementary information:

All the financial data are at current prices. The methodological contents of indicators are set out in part two – METHODOLOGICAL NOTES on indicators. Monetary data in the tables are predominantly in millions of CZK. Calculations were made from source data given in CZK and in thousands of CZK. Minor discrepancies between calculated or summed data may occur due to rounding. In order to observe individual data protection, we were not able to publish all the results in all breakdowns.

The time series of data from the annual structural survey is available since 1997. The results for 1997-2000 are given in the publication “Trade, Hotels and Restaurants 1997-2000” (code 9102-02, published in 2002). In consequence of a change in methodology of the survey, data published for 1997-2000 are not comparable with the data contained in this publication. The results for 2001 are given in the publication “Economic Results in Trade, Hotels and Restaurants 2000-2003” (code 9107-05, published in 2005). Data for 2003 have been revised.

If the data given in this publication are compared with the content-identical indicators from publications based on other surveys (monthly, quarterly), they may slightly differ. The discrepancies are attributed for example to the state of the Business Register on the day of generating samples for corresponding surveys (due to different samples), to current state of bookkeeping records of individual reporting units (corrections of bookkeeping records, final-accounts operations) and to further differences in methodology.

Information on the development of basic indicators on trade, hotels and restaurants is contained also in other publications and periodicals of the CZSO (in printed or electronic form on the Internet) according to the Catalogue of Publications 2006, thematic group 9 – SERVICES, subgroup 91 – Retail trade, hotels and restaurants.
Among them are:
- publication “Trade, Hotels and Restaurants” by quarter of 2005 – quarterly
- results of the monthly survey on retail trade published in form of News Releases and in form of time series on CZSO web pages in section Time Series
- comprehensive publications “CZSO Monthly Statistics” and “Quarterly Statistical Bulletin”, “Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic”
results of ad hoc surveys called censuses.