The First Results for the Population Characteristics of the 2021 Census in Czechia
Demografie, 64(4): 335–352
The first results of the 2021 Census in Czechia were released in January 2022. The nationwide census was prepared in a combined form using both a census questionnaire and suitable administrative data sources. The aim of this paper is to analyse the data on population characteristics that were published until August 2022 – sex, age, marital status, educational attainment, citizenship, ethnicity, mother tongue, religious belief, and fertility. Where useful the variables are combined with sex/age structure. A basic comparison with data from the 2011 Census was also done. The population of Czechia increased by less than 1% and has grown older between the 2011 and the 2021 Census. The share of the population with higher levels of education continued to increase and 4.7% of the population in the 2021 Census were foreign nationals.
2021 Census, Czechia, sex, age, marital status, educational attainment, citizenship, ethnicity, mother tongue, religious belief, fertility