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Statistické úřady - Evropa

AlbánieInstitute of Statistics (INSTAT)
AndorraDepartament d'Estadística
BelgieStatistics Belgium
BěloruskoNational Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus
Bosna a HercegovinaAgency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina
 The Republika Srpska Institute for Statistics
BulharskoNational Statistical Institute of the Republic of Bulgaria
Černá HoraMontenegro ‐ Statistical Office of Montenegro
DánskoStatistics Denmark
EstonskoStatistics Estonia
Faerské ostrovyStatistics Faroe Islands
FinskoStatistics Finland
FrancieInstitut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques
GrónskoStatistics Greenland
ChorvatskoCroatian Bureau of Statistics
IrskoCentral Statistics Office Ireland
IslandStatistics Iceland
ItálieNational Institut of Statistics
LichtenštejnskoBureau of Statistics
LotyšskoCentral Statistical Bureau of Latvia
LitvaStatistics Lithuania
MaďarskoHungarian Central Statistical Office
MakedonieState Statistical Office
MaltaNational Statistics Office
MoldavskoNational Bureau of Statistics
MonakoOfficial Government Portal
NěmeckoFederal Statistical Office of Germany
NizozemíStatistics Netherlands
NorskoStatistics Norway
PolskoCentral Statistical Office
PortugalskoInstituto Nacional de Estatística
RakouskoStatistics Austria
RumunskoNational Institute of Statistics
RuskoFederal State Statistics Service
ŘeckoNational Statistical Service of Greece
San MarinoOffice of Economic Planning Data Processing and Statistics
SlovenskoStatistical Office of the Slovak Republic
SlovinskoStatistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
SrbskoStatistical Office of the Republic of Serbia
ŠpanělskoInstituto Nacional de Estadística
ŠvédskoStatistics Sweden
ŠvýcarskoSwiss Federal Statistical Office
UkrajinaThe State Committee of Statistics of Ukraine
Velká BritánieUK Statistics Authority
 Office for National Statistics