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Statistická ročenka Zlínského kraje 2008



The data in this chapter are derived from different sources. The first part (tables 5-1. to 5-11.) comprises data obtained by the Labour Force Sample Survey and the second part (tables 5-12. to 5-27.) lists data obtained from a survey conducted in businesses included in the Business Register on the one hand and from other administrative sources on the other hand.


The labour force sample survey (LFSS) used by the CZSO is a source of information on the labour market. The survey provides information collected in households of respondents. The methodology of indicators measured by the LFSS is in line with the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Thus the data may serve as a basis for direct international comparability of labour market characteristics in various countries. At the same time, the implementing methodology of Eurostat, which explains the contents of particular market characteristics, is respected.

The sample includes about 26 thousand dwellings in the Czech Republic (over 0,6% of all permanently occupied dwellings).

The LFSS is conducted among respondents living in dwellings chosen at random. All persons usually living in the sampled dwellings, irrespective of the type of their residence, are included in the LFSS. The panel of chosen dwellings is varied during the survey. Each quarter sees 20% of newly chosen dwellings incorporated into the panel and these are then discarded out of the panel after five quarters.

The key criterion for all characteristics of every respondent is always the respondent’s actual activity in the labour market in a reference week. If a respondent stated that he/she had worked at least one hour in the reference week, he/she is strictly classified, according to the ILO methodology, as a person in employment.

Due to the necessity to maintain anonymous and voluntary participation of citizens in the LFSS, the CZSO cannot directly compare the established data with other sources such as records of the labour offices.

The ad hoc module surveys are carried out as part of regular labour force sample survey. The ad hoc module 2006 was focused on retirement (tables 5-10., 5-11.). Addressed were respondents of the age group 50-69 who were in employment in the reference week or whose last employment ended in the period when they were at least 50. The aim of this survey was to find out whether or not a respondent has terminated his/her business activities or when he/she plans to retire.

Absolute figures were weight adjusted to the average annual age structure of the population by demographic projection of mid quarter population for LFSS.

All the tables show average annual time series figures for the individual years to show developments in the labour market.

Data were collected by sample methods and this is why they are becoming less accurate depending on decreasing size of the sample. The annual averages lower than 3 000 persons are considered as data with very low reliability. In real terms it means that their relative standard error (i.e. coefficient of variation) is higher than 20%. Annual data lower than 500 persons are not published, as their relative standard error is higher than 50%. Instead of them there is a dot in the tables.

Labour force includes all persons aged 15+ who satisfy requirements for being classified to the category of employed or unemployed persons.

Economically inactive persons are children up to 15 and persons aged 15+ who fail to comply with requirements for inclusion in labour force.

The employed are all persons who are aged 15+ and were in paid employment or self-employment (employed in their own business) in the reference week. Whether their work activity was permanent, temporary, seasonal or occasional, or their job was the only (main) or second (additional), or whether they were single or multiple jobholders, makes no difference. The category of the employed excludes persons on child-care (parental) leave, whose position is of a different character according to ILO methodology.

According to the ILO methodology, the unemployed are all persons aged 15+ who simultaneously met the following three conditions in the reference period:

  • were not employed
  • were actively seeking employment
  • were ready to take up a job, i.e., were available for the execution of paid employment or employment in own business immediately or within two weeks, at the latest
The unemployed include also persons who do not search for work because they have already found a job but who will start to work within two weeks, at the latest.

General unemployment rate (ILO) is an indicator calculated from LFSS results according to international definitions and recommendations. Given in the numerator and the denominator are persons according their actual whereabouts. In terms of per cent the rate shows the share of the unemployed (numerator) in total labour force (denominator). Besides, specific unemployment rates are published to show the ratio of the unemployed in a certain group to the number employed and unemployed persons coming under this group.

Participation rate is the share of total labour force (the employed and the unemployed) in the total population aged 15+.

Employment rate is the ratio of the employed to all persons aged 15+.

Classification of Occupations, CZ-ISCO: It corresponds to the International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-88 (ILO standard) or ISCO-88 (COM) (EU standard) and classifies occupations as particular activities, which are carried out by individuals and are sources of their incomes.

Classification of Status in Employment, CZ-ISCE: It corresponds to the ILO International Classification of Status in Employment and classifies the status of economically active persons (occupied jobs) in employment.


Data are classified according to the principal activity of the whole business (CZ-NACE, which is comparable with international classifications).

Data on the number of employees and average monthly gross wage are derived from results of the processing of annual statistical questionnaires (tables 5-12. to 5-15.). Territorial classification of data into regions is obtained directly from reporting units, including enterprises with less than 20 employees and it is carried out according to the actual work place of employees, the so-called workplace method. Further territorial classification for e.g. into districts is not possible.

Data in table 5-16. draw on the results produced by the processing of quarterly questionnaires and are shown for all persons included in the registered number of employees in businesses coming under the business sphere that employed 20+ individuals (irrespective of the number of employees in financial intermediation), including employees of unincorporated private entrepreneurs. The data concerning the non-business sphere refer to all employees of government departments, semi-budgetary organizations (organizations partially financed from state and local budgets), and non-profit institutions (public beneficial organizations, health insurance companies, etc.). The data on employees and wages are broken down geographically – i.e., by regions where reporting businesses have their head offices, - by the so-called enterprise methods. This means that a business with its lower organizational components located in other regions (works, plants, outlets, etc.) is classified to the regions where its head office is.

The data listed in table 5-17. are for the business sphere taken over from the Information system on Average Earnings (ISAE) of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the CR. The system contains data from a sample survey in businesses with 10+ employees. Data for the non-business sphere are taken over from the Information system on Salary (ISP) of the Ministry of Finance of the CR. These sources provide information on individual employees. The average wage is calculated in relation to paid working hours of the employee (not paid absence, illness, etc. are not included) and therefore is not identical with the average wage from the business surveys of the CZSO, which is calculated in relation to the evidence number of employees (tables 5-13. to 5-16.)

Registered number of employees includes persons under employment contracts and members of cooperatives having employment contract with the employer.

Average registered number of employees per year is the arithmetic mean of twelve average monthly numbers of employees (calculated as the sum of daily numbers divided by calendar days in the month concerned).

Average gross monthly wage is the wage, excluding other personnel costs, per registered employee per month. Wages include components such as basic wages and salaries, bonuses and gratuities, wage and salary compensations, remunerations for being on call, etc. charged to be paid in the reference period. They are gross wages, i.e., prior to general health insurance and social security contributions, income tax advance payments, and other statutory deductions or deductions agreed with the employer.

The data on the number of employees and the average monthly gross wages exclude persons performing public office (deputies, senators, full-time councillors at all levels), apprentices, women on maternity leave, persons on parental leave (unless they have employment contracts at the same time), persons working for companies under contracts of work carried out outside their contracts of employment and employees of businesses not statistically measured.


Effective as of 1 January 2007 the Government increased the minimum wage to CZK 8,000 per month (CZK 48.10 per hour).

Development of the basic minimum wage rates
Source: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the CR
Minimum wage
Entry into force on
1 Jan
1 Jan
1 Jan
1 Jan
1 July
1 Jan
1 July
1 Jan
1 Jan
1 Jan
1 Jan
1 Jan
1 Jan
1 July
1 Jan
CZK per hour
CZK per month
2 200
2 500
2 650
3 250
3 600
4 000
4 500
5 000
5 700
6 200
6 700
7 185
7 570
7 955
8 000
UNEMPLOYMENT (according to records of employment offices)

The data on the number and structure of job applicants and on the vacancies are taken over from the Information System of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the CR.

Registered job applicants are citizens staying permanently in respective area, who have no formal job or similar attachment to an employer, are not self-employed, and have asked an employment office to find a job for them.

Registered job applicants available are the unemployed registered (including EU and EEA citizens), who can immediately start to work upon an offer of a suitable job position having no objective obstacle preventing them from hiring.

Registered unemployment rate by methodology valid until 30 June 2004, is the ratio (%) of registered job applicants to the labour force available (i.e. the employed persons established by the LFSS plus registered job applicants).

Registered unemployment rate by methodology valid from 1 July 2004, is the ratio (%) of registered job applicants available (to the end of the period) to the total of the employed persons established by the LFSS and working foreigners registered at the employment offices or with a valid work permit or Trade Licence and the registered job applicants available (moving annual average).


Data for employed foreigners come from separate records administered by –

1. Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the CR, or Employment Services Administration collecting data from registers of labour offices on:

  • valid work permits granted to foreigners
  • number of citizens of the EU/EEA and Switzerland taking up work (citizens of the EU/EEA, Switzerland and their dependants have free access to the Czech labour market since the accession of the CR to the EU and they do not need any work permit; they are only subject to notification duty – the employer is obligated not later than on the day when a foreigner takes up work to notify in writing the relevant labour office)
  • number of notifications on the taking up of work by foreigners with permanent residence coming from other than the above mentioned countries (foreigners with permanent residence do not need work permit either they are only subject to notification duty)
2. Ministry of Industry and Trade providing data on:
  • foreigners with valid trade licence
Conditions of employment of foreigners are set forth by Act no. 435/2004 Sb., on employment; business activity of foreigners (foreigners may perform business activity on the territory of the CR like citizens of the CR if they meet conditions stipulated by law) is regulated by Act No. 455/1991 Sb., on trade licensing.

* * *

Other regional information on labour market is available in the following CZSO publications:

e-13- 72 0 2-08

Statistical Bulletin of the Zlínský region


Employment and Unemployment in the CR as Measured by the Labour Force Sample Survey


Labour Market in the CR 1993-2007


Registered Number of Employees and Their Wages in the CR


Labour Statistics: Time Series of Basic Indicators


Structure of Earnings Survey 2007


Labour Market Analysis 2000 - 2007


Employment and Unemployment in the CR as Measured by the Labour Force Sample Survey - Annual Averages

Other information is published on the CZSO web pages:
www.zlin.czso.cz - Czech Statistical Office Zlín
http://vdb.czso.cz/vdb/en/index.jsp - Public database Czech Statistical Office
www.czso.cz/eng/redakce.nsf/i/labour_market_and_earnings_s3m - Labour Market and Earnings