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World Statistics Day 2020

On Tuesday 20 October, the statistical community around the world will mark the third World Statistics Day. As was previously the case, the Czech Statistical Office will also join the celebrations. This year's theme is "Connecting the world with data we can trust".

On this day, statisticians want to draw attention to the society-wide importance of official statistics and quality data. We are also looking forward to the census coming up in the spring, being the most important statistical event of the decade. And it is not only the census data, but other data too, that show how independent statistics can help the development of the entire society, as they provide substantial and reliable information" says Marek Rojíček, President of the Czech Statistical Office.

Later today, the Czech Statistical Office is going to publish a special infographic with an attractive topic - beer in statistics - on its Twitter and LinkedIn. Did you know that in 2019, 180 litres of beer, i.e. 360 pints, were produced per capita in the Czech Republic? And that’s not all. You can look forward to more fun facts about our traditional beverage posted on Instagram throughout the week.

Starting today, visitors to the CZSO’s Prague headquarters can also view an exhibition made up of popular infographics that the Office uses when communicating with the public on its website, social networks or in its magazine Statistika&My (“Statistics and Us”).

Last week saw the start of yet another year of the entertaining and educational Minisčítání (“Minicensus”) 2020 project, which aims to increase the statistical literacy and popularise statistics among younger generations.

World Statistics Day has been celebrated every five years since 2010. This year's theme draws attention to the importance of verified data obtained by relevant methods for the correct decision-making of politicians, officials, scientists, company managers, but also ordinary citizens, whose current actions affect the future development of people's lives on Earth.

More information about World Statistics Day 2020 can be found at .

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