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Understanding Suicidal Ideation among Adolescents of North East India through the Lens of Demographic Factors

Tatini Ghosh – Anjana Bhattacharjee
Demografie, 64(4): 297–308

This paper attempts to identify the demographic variables that are related to suicidal ideation among adolescents in Tripura, India. Although the current literature points a grim picture of the suicide rate worldwide and in India as well, there is insufficient research in this area in India, especially in Tripura. Adding to the small body of research on suicidal ideation, the current study was conducted on a sample of 500 adolescents aged between 16 and 18 years (266 boys and 234 girls). The study found a high suicidal ideation rate of 9.6% among adolescents in Tripura, India. The gender, area of residence, substance use, and family environment of adolescents were found to have an effect on suicidal ideation. The highest rate of suicidal ideation was observed among boys (i.e. male gender), adolescents residing in urban areas, substance users, and adolescents living in a non-peaceful family environment. Community, the number of children in the family, family type, and family income were not significantly associated with suicidal ideation. Despite this, high suicidal ideation was reported by non-tribal persons, people who were an only child, nuclear families, and adolescents with a family income of 11 000 – 20 000 INR (Indian Rupees) per month.

suicidal ideation; suicide; demographic variables; adolescents