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The new Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic has come out

The new Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic has come out

In recent days the Czech Statistical Office has published, in cooperation with Scientia Publishers, the Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic 2007. It is already the fifteenth volume of the principal statistical publication after the split of the Federation. The Yearbook provides the public at large with a comprehensive statistical view of all industries of the national economy.

On 784 pages, in 525 tables divided into 28 chapters the reader has available data describing demographic, economic and social development in the Czech Republic. Tables containing data for the latest year covered (2006), and mostly also for previous years, offer information on all spheres of our lives, starting from the traditional area and climate, which are included in every statistical yearbook, up to justice, crime and accidents. Just like other statistical yearbooks, this one cannot do without international comparisons. In the last chapter are presented the results of elections to local councils and to the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in 2006.

We would like to mention two from among the chapters. Newly designed is the chapter Environment where the reader gains a broad view of the state of the environment in the Czech Republic. The tables are thematically grouped into area, air, waste management, water management and environmental economy. The attractive chapter Science and Technology, Information Society offers tables on external trade in ICT goods, use of mobile telephones by individuals, ICT in municipalities of the Czech Republic or use of the Internet by individuals in relation to public administration in 2006.

Basic tables from the Statistical Yearbook can be found on the website of the Czech Statistical Office The entire Statistical Yearbook 2007 will be available on the web starting from 1 March 2008.

Press Section
Office of the President of the CZSO