Territorial units - Methodology
Administrative units are defined by Act No. 51/2020 Coll., on the Territorial Administrative Division of the State, which newly stipulates that the territory of the Czech Republic is divided into administrative districts of regions, which consist of administrative districts of municipalities with extended powers and administrative districts of municipalities with an authorized municipal office (with the exception of the capital city of Prague, which is divided into administrative districts and city districts). Administrative districts are defined by the list of municipalities that belong to their territory. This law also defines the territories of districts, which are defined by the list of administrative districts of municipalities with extended powers that lie on the territory of the district. Exceptions to this rule are possible, which are permitted by the Ministry of the Interior at the request of municipalities and published by a special decree. At present, it concerns several municipalities in the Liberec Region.
A municipality is a basic territorial self-governing community of citizens; form a territorial unit, which is defined by the boundary of the territory of the municipality (according to the wording of Act No. 128/2000 Coll., on municipalities (municipal establishment), as amended later). The capital city of Prague, statutory cities, towns and townships are also considered municipalities.
A military district is a defined part of the state's territory intended for ensuring the defense of the state and for the training of the armed forces according to Act No. 222/1999 Coll. on ensuring the defense of the Czech Republic, part six, § 30, paragraph 1. Újezd constitutes a territorial administrative unit.
The regions in their current form were established by Act No. 129/2000 Coll., on regions (regional establishment) as higher territorial self-governing units. The county is a public corporation that has its own property and its own income defined by law and manages under the conditions established by law according to its own budget. The region acts on its own behalf in legal relations and bears the responsibility arising from these relations. It is administered independently by the regional council, other regional authorities are the regional council, the regional governor and the regional office. It takes care of the all-round development of its territory and the needs of its citizens.
The municipal office of a municipality with extended competence is referred to in laws and other legal regulations as a municipal office established by a special law (Annex No. 2 to Act No. 314/2002 Coll.) for the purpose of exercising the delegated competence. More about Act No. 128/2000 Coll., on municipalities, as amended later. Administrative districts of municipalities with extended powers (hereafter ORP) were determined by Ministry of the Interior Decree No. 388/2002 Coll. and most recently by Decree No. 346/2020 Coll. Districts respect the borders of regions, they do not have to respect the territory of districts.
For the purpose of exercising the delegated authority, the authorized municipal authority is referred to in laws and other legal regulations as the municipal authority established by law (Annex No. 1 to Act No. 314/2002 Coll.). More about Act No. 128/2000 Coll., on municipalities, as amended later. The administrative districts of authorized municipal authorities (POU) were established by Ministry of the Interior Decree No. 388/2002 Coll. and most recently by Decree No. 388/2020 Coll. Districts respect the borders of regions, they do not have to respect the territory of districts.
A city is a municipality with the status of a city. It is independently managed by the city council, other authorities are the city council, the city mayor and the city office. A municipality with at least 3,000 inhabitants is a city if the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, following the government's statement, determines so on the proposal of the municipality. A municipality that was a city before May 17, 1954 is a city if the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies so requests. At the request of the municipality, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies determines and at the same time determines the day when the municipality becomes a city.
A statutory city is a city established by Act No. 128/2000 Coll., on municipalities (municipal establishment), as amended. It is independently administered by the city council, other authorities are the city council, the mayor and the city municipality. The territory of a statutory city can be divided into city districts or city districts with their own self-governing bodies. The statutory cities are Kladno, České Budějovice, Pilsen, Karlovy Vary, Ústí nad Labem, Liberec, Jablonec nad Nisou, Hradec Králové, Pardubice, Jihlava, Brno, Zlín, Olomouc, Přerov, Chomutov, Děčín, Frýdek-Místek, Ostrava, Opava, Havířov, Most, Teplice, Karviná, Mladá Boleslav, Prostějov and Třinec. We include Prague among these cities.
A township is a municipality with the status of a township. It is independently administered by the town council, other authorities are the town council, the town mayor and the town office. A municipality is a township if the chairman of the Chamber of Deputies determines so on the proposal of the municipality after the government's statement. A municipality that was a township before May 17, 1954 is a township if the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies so requests. At the request of the municipality, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies determines and at the same time determines the day when the municipality becomes a township.