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Information on the Environment in the CR

Introductory note


The publication ”Informace o životním prostředí v České republice” (Information on the Environment in the Czech Republic) is divided to the five basic parts recording state of environment, causes of environmental changes and activities intent on environmental protection in 1999 - 2004.
The publication was made by a team of authors of the Environmental Statistics Section of the Czech Statistical Office (A. Pražáková, H. Buřtová, S. Horáčková, E. Krumpová, P. Macíková, K. Markošová, L. Šleisová, M. Tůmová) and L. Hrábková – National Accounts Department. The publication was translated by J. Tyrpekl of the CSO‘s International Cooperation Department.
Thanks are extended to all organisations and institutions that made their data available to the authors.

  • The symbol of dash (-) in place of figure indicates that the phenomenon did not occur.
  • The symbol of 0 or 0.0 in the table is used to designate numeral data smaller than half of the unit of measure chosen.
  • The symbol of dot (.) shows that figure is not available or cannot be relied on.
  • The symbol of small cross (x) shows that entry is impossible for logical reasons.

The data given in the Yearbook are final and update the data and estimates published before.