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Statistics methodology for the Indexes of export and import prices

I. Basic definition (monitored sector or statistical area)

Export and import price indices (as ICVD) are internationally used indicators (Export Price Index and Import Price Index) and belong to the basic indices in price statistics. They are part of Short-Term Statistics (STS), while the Import prices Index is required for STS purposes only for members of the eurozone.

The goal of ICVD is to provide information on monthly (or annual, quarterly, etc.) price changes of products, goods or commodities exported and imported into the Czech Republic.

Reporting units report average prices, without duty, value added tax and excise duty, as a weighted arithmetic average (weighted by the quantity of products in physical units) of the prices quoted in major trade transactions. There are monitored transactions taking place in different countries, if they are included in the characteristics of price representatives, for the entire monitored month. In exports, prices are monitored to the FOB (invoiced to the foreign recipient, including transport costs in the Czech Republic) and in imports, the prices invoiced by the foreign supplier (including direct business costs incurred by the foreign supplier – storage fees, insurance, transport, commissions, etc.).

II. Data source

1. Statistical reports

-          report Prices ZOV 1-12 - Monthly report on export prices of goods in foreign trade

-          report Prices ZOD 1-12 - Monthly report on import prices of goods in foreign trade

-          report Prices E 1-12 - Monthly report on oil prices

2. Administrative data sources, downloaded data

Administrative data sources is Intrastat and Extrastat

III. Creation of the basic and sample set, additions and estimates of the unsaved part of the set

Selective surveys

IV. Overview of basic published indicators

Price indices of products, goods or commodities exported and imported to the Czech Republic.

V. Retrospective corrections, revisions, estimate refinement procedure

Price indices are final and are not subsequently revised.

VI. Comparability

1. Comparability over time


2. Comparability with other outputs

Outputs are comparable within statistics coming from the same data sources.

3. International comparability

Producer prices in industry - non domestic market are internationally comparable within the EU.

VII. Seasonal adjusting

Not implemented.

VIII. Data Publishing

CZSO website:

News Releases:

Time series:


Public database:

EUROSTAT website (data for export)

Database by themes/ Industry, trade and services/ Short-term business statistics (sts)/ Industry/  Producer prices in industry/ Producer prices in industry, non-domestic market

IX Additional methodological information and external links

Methodological explanation: