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Statistické úřady - Asie

ArménieNationalStatistical Service of the Republic of Armenia
ÁzerbajdžánState Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan Republic
BahrajnInformation & eGovernment Authority, Kingdom of Bahrain
BangladéšBureau of Statistics
BhútánNational Statistics Bureau
BrunejDepartment of Economic Planning and Statistics - National Statistics
ČínaNational Bureau of Statistics of China
Čína, Hong KongCensus and Statistics Department
Čína, MakaoStatistics and Census Service
FilipínyPhilippine Statistics Authority
GruzieNational Statistics Office of Georgia
IndieMinistry of Statistcs and Programme Implementation
IndonézieStatistics Indonesia
IrákCentral Organization for Statistics and Information Technology (COSIT)
ÍránStatistical Centre of Iran
IzraelCentral Bureau of Statistics
JaponskoOffice of Director-General for Policy Planning (Statistical Standards)
 Statistics Bureau
Jižní KoreaStatistcs Korea
JordánskoDepartment of Statistics
KambodžaNational Institute of Statistics
KatarPlanning and Statistics Authority
KazachstánAgency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
KuvajtCentral Statistical Office
KyprStatistical Service of the Republica of Cyprus
KyrgyzstánNational Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic
LibanonCentral Administration for Statistics
MalajsieDepartment of Statistics Malaysia
MaledivyMaldives Bureau of Statistics
MongolskoNational Statistical Office
MyanmarCentral Statistical Organization
NepálCentral Bureau of Statistics
OmánNational Center for Statistics & Information
PákistánFederal Bureau of Statistics
PalestinaPalestinian Central Bureau of Statistics
Saúdská ArábieGeneral Authority for Statistics
SingapurSingapore Department of Statistics
Spojené arabské emirátyFederal Competitiveness And Statistics Centre
SýrieCentral Bureau of Statistics
ThajskoNational Statistical Office Thailand
TureckoTurkish Statistical Institute
UzbekistánAgency of statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
VietnamGeneral Statistics Office of Vietnam