Statistical definitions of quarterly and annual data published for statistics of Health insurance companies
The statistical area of health insurance companies is included in the Institutional sector (CISS2010) 13140 Social security funds and organizational forms 391 Health insurance companies
II. Data source
1. Statistical surveys
Quarterly statistical form Zdp 3-04
Obliged to report are incorporated businesses whose principal activity classifies them to health insurance companies (CZ-NACE group 84.3).
Annual statistical form Zdp 5-01
Obliged to report are incorporated in the Business register whose principal activity is public health insurance administration and which are classified to the institutional sector of general government (S.13), more precisely to the subsector of social security funds (S.1314); CZ-NACE group 84.3.
2. Administrative data sources, collected data No
III. Delineation of statistical population and sample, grossing up and estimation of the non-treated part of the population (if relevant)
Health insurance companies regardless of the number of employees. A form of exhaustive
discovery used
IV. Overview of main published indicators
Quarterly statistical form Zdp 3-04
Selected indicators - number of health insurance companies, number of employees of witch divided among accrual-based insurance premiums, costs total costs of health services, wages and other personnel expenses, depreciation of tangible & intangible and fixed assets.
Revenues from insurance premiums and fixture - accrual-based insurance premiums including
Employers, self-employed persons and Persons without taxable incomes. Stipulated fines, sanctions and surcharges related to health insurance and collection of fines, sanctions and surcharges related to health insurance. Clearing with special health insurance account (reallocate +/-)
Costs of health services divided by individual species – out-patient health care provided by
general practitioners, Out-patient health care provided by specialists, in-patient health care, dental care, prescribed medicines and medical devices. Cost of preventive programmes.
Assets and Liabilities - long-term intangible assets (excl. advances), long-term tangible assets (excl. advances) their increase and decreases, long-term and short-term receivables, advances paid and accruals, Liabilities of witch equity, public health insurance funds, Long-term and short-term payables, advances received and deferrals.
Annual statistical form Zdp 5-01
Employees and wages - average registered number of employees (actual persons), Wages excl. other personnel expenses, other personnel expenses
Revenues and creation of funds of health insurance companies - revenue total, proceeds, Interest received, public health insurance premiums written, fines, penalties, interest for delayed payments, revenues n.e.c. and extra revenues, revenues from foreign health insurance companies as health care advance payment, clearing of special health insurance account (reallocation).
Expenses and drawing of funds of health insurance companies - expenses, total, material and energy consumption, services, insurance, costs of health care from public health insurance, preventive programmes, personnel expenses, depreciation of intangible and tangible fixed assets, fines, penalties, interest for delayed payments, receivables write-offs, contributions of Association of Health Insurance Companies, disposal of bonds, taxes and fees, costs n.e.c. and extra costs, costs of health care provided to foreigners.
Financial assets of health insurance companies – net -shares and other equity, loans and financial assistance, Deposits with financial institutions, cash value, accounts receivable, temporary accounts of assets and other assets.
Liabilities of health insurance companies - liabilities total, equity capital, long-term and short-term payables and temporary accounts of liabilities (incl. credits, loans and financial assistance).
Intangible fixed assets of health insurance companies - acquisition of intangible fixed assets (incl. subsidies), disposal of IFA at selling price, free IFA hand-over at net book value, intangible fixed assets as at 31 December.
Tangible fixed assets of health insurance companies - acquisition of tangible fixed assets incl. land (incl. subsidies), disposal of TFA at selling price, free TFA hand-over at net book value, tangible fixed assets, incl. land, as at 31 December.
V. Data revision policy - corrections, revisions, refinement procedure of estimations
VI. Comparability
1. Comparability over time
Comparability of individual quarterly data within the year and the same period of
the previous year.
Comparability of data with previous years.
2. Comparability with other outputs
3. International comparability
VII. Seasonal Adjustment (if relevant)
VIII. Dissemination (description of the publication system, references to Eurostat outputs or national outputs may be provided)
IX. Additional methodological information and external references
Explanatory notes: