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Services - 2nd quarter of 2010

Transport made services grow

Publication Date: 10. 08. 2010

Product Code: r-9001-10

In Q2 2010, seasonally adjusted, calendar and working day adjusted sales in services increased by 0.1%, quarter-on-quarter, at constant prices and dropped by 0.8%, year-on-year. Not seasonally adjusted sales increased by 0.8%, y-o-y, which was only thanks to the most important divisions (as for their volume) of transportation and storage.

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In Q2 2010, sales in services 1) with seasonal, calendar and working day adjustment increased by 0.1%, quarter-on-quarter, at constant prices and decreased by 0.8%, y-o-y. Not seasonally adjusted sales increased by 0.8%, y-o-y, which was only thanks to the most important divisions (as for their volume) of transportation and storage.

Year-on-year development of not seasonally adjusted sales in services broken down by CZ-NACE division:
  • sales in transportation and storage increased by 7.9%, which was the biggest growth since the third quarter of 2007. It was mainly contributed to by land transport and transport via pipelines (growth by 8.5%, contribution 4.5 p.p.) and also warehousing and support activities for transportation (growth by 11.7%, contribution 4.2 p.p.). Drop by 14.8% in air transport cannot be explained only by a short close of international airports after the eruption of a volcano on the Iceland - it is probably the result of combination of more factors (a change of the structure of air tickets unfavourable for the expensive, shortening of the length of flights and the like). A fall (-16.8%) was recorded in water transport, which is unimportant as for the volume, while in postal and courier services sales increased (+8.4%);
  • sales in accommodation and food service activities dropped in the y-o-y comparison already for the tenth time, this time by -7.0%. The drop was bigger in food and beverage service activities (-8.2%) than in accommodation (-4.7%). During the second quarter of 2010 the drop was slowing down mainly thanks to the development in accommodation, in which sales increased in June for the first time since the beginning of the year by 2.9%;
  • sales in information and communication were by 0.8% down, the biggest influence on the development came from telecommunications (-3.8%) due to the volume of sales; however, the biggest fall of sales was in motion picture activities (-9.6%). On the contrary, the most distinctive growth was recorded in programming and broadcasting activities (+14.9%); sales grew also in publishing activities and information service activities (+4.9% and 6.1%, respectively);
  • sales in real estate activities dropped by 4.7%. The same as in previous quarters, the drop was bigger at real estate activities on a fee or contract basis (-12.3%) than at buying and selling of own real estate and renting and operating of own or leased real estate (-0.5%);
  • sales in professional, scientific and technical activities2) dropped by 2.1%. A double-digit decrease of other professional, scientific and technical activities continued (-12.4%); sales dropped also in legal and accounting activities (-3.2%). In architectural and engineering activities sales increased for the first time after five quarters of dropping (+1.4%), in advertising and market research it came after six quarters (+0.2%);
  • sales in administrative and support service activities3) fell by 0.8%, mainly due to the development in tour operator activities (drop by -8.8%, contribution to the overall index -2.1 p.p.). Sales decreased also in security and investigation activities (-2.9%). Other areas were growing: services to buildings and landscape activities (+0.1%), renting and leasing (+0.4%), office administrative and support activities (+4.3%) and employment activities (+7.2%).

Methodological note :
1) For the purpose of News Releases, services include the following CZ-NACE sections – Transportation and storage (H), Accommodation and food service activities (I), Information and communication (J), Real estate activities (L), Professional, scientific and technical activities – without Scientific research and development and Veterinary activities (M without 72 and 75), Administrative and support service activities without Landscape service activities (N without 81.3).
2) For the purpose of News Releases section M – Professional, scientific and technical activities does not include CZ-NACE 72 – Scientific research and development and CZ-NACE 75 – Veterinary activities.
3) For the purpose of News Releases section N – Administrative and support service activities does not include CZ-NACE 81.3 – Landscape service activities.

sections L, M and N - Marie Boušková, phone: (+420) 274052935, e -mail:
sections H, I and J - Alena Hellerová, phone: (+420) 274052921; e-mail:
Data source: CZSO direct survey in enterprises
End of data collection: 29 July 2010
End of data processing: 3 August 2010
Quarterly data for most of the sections (save for section J) since 2000 (for y-o-y indices since 2001) are available in time series.
( /produkty/slu_mts2005 )
Data for Q2 2010 are preliminary; data for Q1 were revised; final data for individual quarters of 2010 will be known in June 2011 as the latest.
