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Services - 1st quarter of 2010

Sales decline in services slowed down

Publication Date: 11. 05. 2010

Product Code: r-9001-10

In Q1, seasonally adjusted, working and calendar days adjusted sales in services dropped by 0.2%, q-o-q, at constant prices, and by 4.7%, y-o-y. Not seasonally adjusted sales dropped by 3.8%, y-o-y. The biggest decrease was recorded in professional, scientific and technical activities, which also had the biggest influence on the total result.

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In Q1, seasonally adjusted, working and calendar days adjusted sales in services 1) dropped by 0.2%, q-o-q, at constant prices, and by 4.7%, y-o-y. Not seasonally adjusted sales dropped by 3.8%, y-o-y, which was by 5.2 p.p. less compared to the average for the previous four quarters. The biggest contribution to the drop came from professional, scientific and technical activities (-2.0 p.p.). Sales increase was recorded for transportation and storage (+1.2%, contribution to y-o-y change +0.4 p.p.).

The year-on-year development of not seasonally adjusted sales in individual sections of services was the following:
  • transportation and storage increased by 1.2%, which was most contributed to by land transport and transport via pipelines (+3.9%). The biggest percentage sales increase was recorded in postal and courier activities (+6.6%). Increasing were also sales in warehousing and support activities for transportation (+0.5%). Unfavourable navigation conditions influenced sales in water transport (decrease by 35.7%), falling were also sales in air transport (-18.1%);
  • in accommodation and food service activities the drop continued in Q1 2010, although it was more moderate than in the previous quarters (-8.1%). Sales in accommodation decreased by 7.8% and in food and beverage service activities by 8.2%. As time passed, the decrease was getting more moderate (in January -10.1%, in February and March -7.0% each month);
  • sales drop in information and communication (-3.2%) was most contributed to by telecommunications, which are the most important as for the volume (-8.2%, contribution to the overall decrease -3.8 p.p.), less important contribution came from publishing activities (-6.0%, contribution -0.7 p.p.) and motion picture activities (-2.1%, contribution -0.1 p.p.). The overall negative development of sales was balanced by an increase in sales in information service activities (+8.8%), which include e.g. data processing and web portals and by computer programming, consultancy and related activities (+2.2%), which include e.g. computer programming activities and data processing. Further, sales increased also in programming and broadcasting activities (+3.8%);
  • sales in real estate activities decreased by 6.9%. The decrease was (the same as in 2009) more distinctive in services of real estate activities on a fee or contract basis (-10.4%) than in buying and selling of own real estate and renting and operating of own or leased real estate (-4.6%);
  • in professional, scientific and technical activities2) sales decreased by 10.2%. Sales in other professional, scientific and technical activities continued in their fall (-18.4%) as well as architectural and engineering activities (-13.7%). The smallest drop was recorded for activities of head offices, management consultancy activities (-3.4%). Sales for legal and accounting activities decreased by 9.2%. Advertising and market research recorded a sales drop by 5.2%; however, slowing down of the fall of this group was influenced by its price development, too.
  • in administrative and support service activities3) sales decreased by 2.6%. However, an increase was recorded in office administrative, office support and other business support activities (+3.4%) and services to buildings and landscape activities (+0.9%). The biggest fall of sales was in travel agency, tour operator and other reservation service and related activities (-6.7%). After five quarters, sales drop slowed down in employment activities (-5.5%). Sales for renting of passenger cars increased by 1.2% and for renting and leasing of personal and household goods even by +4.3%. However, due to a drop of sales for renting of other machinery and trucks by 9.8%, rental and leasing activities as a whole recorded an overall drop by 4.5%.

Methodological note :
1) For the purpose of New Releases, services include the following CZ-NACE categories – Transportation and storage (H), Accommodation and food service activities (I), Information and communication (J), Real estate activities (L), Professional, scientific and technical activities – without Scientific research and development and Veterinary activities (M without 72 and 75), Administrative and support service activities without Landscape service activities (N without 81.3).
2) For the purpose of News Releases section M – Professional and scientific and technical activities does not include CZ-NACE 72 – Scientific research and development and CZ-NACE 75 – Veterinary activities.
3) For the purpose of New Releases section N – Administrative and support service activities does not include CZ-NACE 81.3 – Landscape service activities.

Contact: sections L, M and N – Michaela Maršálková, phone: (+420) 274054189, e-mail:
sections H, I and J - Alena Hellerová, phone: (+420) 274052921; e-mail:

Data source: CZSO direct survey in enterprises
End of data collection: 29 April 2010
End of data processing: 4 May 2010
Quarterly data for most of sections (save for section J) since 2000 (for y-o-y indices since 2001) are available in time series.
( /produkty/slu_mts2005 )
Data for 2009 were revised; final data for separate quarters will be known in June 2010 at the latest.
