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Services - 1st quarter of 2017

Growth in all industries of services

Publication Date: 11. 05. 2017

Product Code: 180030-17

In the Q1 2017, seasonally adjusted sales in services increased at constant prices by 2.1%, quarter-on-quarter (q-o-q). Working days adjusted sales increased by 4.6%, year‑on-year (y-o-y); non-adjusted sales increased by 5.9%, y-o-y.

In the Q1 2017, seasonally adjusted sales in services1) increased at constant prices by 2.1%, quarter-on-quarter (q-o-q). The highest q-o-q growth was recorded by the section of accommodation and food service activities (+3.4%). 

Year-on-year, working days adjusted sales increased by 4.6%. There were 3 working days more in the Q1 2017 than in the corresponding period of the previous year. Growth was reported by all industries of services.

Non-adjusted sales increased by 5.9%, year-on-year. Development in individual industries of services (CZ-NACE sections) was as follows:

-          sales in transportation and storage increased by 5.9%. The following contributed the most to the growth: land transport and transport via pipelines, which is the most important as for the volume (growth by 4.9%) and warehousing and support activities for transportation (growth by 7.5%). A sales increase was reported also by air transport (+11.9%), postal and courier activities (+1.8%), and water transport (+1.5%);

-          sales in accommodation and food service activities increased by 11.4%. The sales increased in both the food and beverage service activities (+12.7%) as well as in the accommodation (+8.1%);

-          sales in information and communication increased by 5.0%. Already for the thirteenth successive quarter, an increase was reported by information service activities (this time by 9.8%), which include, for example, data processing, web portals, and hosting. A sales increase was recorded also by: computer programming, consultancy and related activities (+7.7%), which include, for example, computer programming activities, computer consultancy activities, and computer facilities management activities; programming and broadcasting activities (+4.7%), publishing activities (+4.6%), and telecommunications (+1.9%). On the contrary, a decrease of sales was reported by the so-called music and motion picture activities (-2.9%);

-          sales in real estate activities increased by 3.1%. In this section, both were increasing: buying and selling of own real estate and renting and operating of own or leased real estate (+3.9%) as well as (the less important as for their volume) real estate activities on a fee or contract basis (+1.2%);

-          sales in professional, scientific and technical activities2) increased by 3.9%. All industries contributed to the growth, the highest influence of which belonged to legal and accounting activities (growth by 5.7%) and advertising and market research (growth by 3.9%). After having decreased for five successive quarters, sales increased also at architectural and engineering activities, which are the most important as for their volume (+3.2%). An increase of sales was recorded also by other professional, scientific and technical activities (+6.7%) and activities of head offices; management consultancy activities (+1.2%);

-          sales in administrative and support service activities3) increased by 8.9%. The highest growth in this section (+16.1%) was recorded by employment activities. However, also travel agency, tour operator reservation service and related activities were successful (+10.3%) – they followed the y-o-y growth from the previous quarter. Higher sales were reached also by office administrative, office support and other business support activities (+9.0%), rental and leasing activities (+8.0%), security and investigation activities (+2.5%), and services to buildings and landscape activities (+1.4%).    

1) For the purpose of News Releases, services include the following CZ-NACE sections: Transportation and storage (H), Accommodation and food service activities (I), Information and communication (J), Real estate activities (L), Professional, scientific and technical activities – without Scientific research and development and Veterinary activities (M without 72 and 75), Administrative and support service activities without Landscape service activities (N without 81.3). 

2) For the purpose of News Releases section M – Professional, scientific and technical activities does not include CZ-NACE 72 – Scientific research and development and CZ-NACE 75 – Veterinary activities.

3) For the purpose of News Releases section N – Administrative and support service activities does not include CZ-NACE 81.3 – Landscape service activities.

All data in the text of the News Release are at constant prices.
Data for the Q1 2017 are preliminary; final data for individual quarters of 2017 will be available in June 2018. 
head at the CZSO: Marie Boušková, phone number: (+420) 274052935,

Contact person: Jana Gotvaldová, phone number: (+420) 274052691,
Method of data acquisition: direct survey of the CZSO (“SP 1-12”)
End of data collection: 27 April 2017
End of data processing: 3 May 2017
Related outputs: Base indices since 2000 and y-o-y indices since 2001 are available in time series (excluding section J, which is available since 2005 or rather 2006).
Next News Release will be published on: 8 August 2017
