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Revision of construction prices statistics

An usual revision of estimates of price indices of construction works runs regularly every quarter. The estimates are regularly updated with retrospective effect (on the 46th day after the end of the quarter concerned), according to results of the quarterly price survey Ceny Stav 1-04.

Revisions of construction price statistics are made periodicaly. It means update of weighting scheme, update of representatives, update of classifications. Some of time series end and some new time series are generated. With the use of a chain-linking method of revision there are not recalculated the data published in the past. The new results are calculated from the new point of view and have it’s origin in the new weighting scheme. 

The last revision of construction price statistics was prepared in 2022 using a chain-linking method. The weighting scheme was put together from results of construction production between 2017-2021.

The text was not edited for language.