Team of Authors: | Ing. Drahomíra Dubská, CSc. (Introduction, Summary, Chapters 3, 5, 6 and 7) |
| Bc. Jiří Kamenický (Chapter 2) |
| Mgr. Iva Kohoutová (Chapter 8) |
| Ing. Lukáš Kučera (Chapter 1 and 4) |

1.1. Gross domestic product

1.1.1. Expenditure side of GDP

1.1.2. Supply side of GDP

2.1. Basic characteristics of the businesses (in the view of institutional sectors or industrial branches)

2.2. Performance of non-financial corporations in the CR

2.1.1. Investment rate

2.1.2. Debt ratio

2.1.3. Loans in default

3.1. Deficit and debt of the government sector

3.1.1. Deficit of government institutions

3.1.2. Gross consolidated debt of the government institutions

3.2. Private debt

3.3. Indebtedness of the CR – private debt and debt of government institutions

3.4. External imbalance

3.5. Labour market imbalance

3.6. Labour productivity and real wage development

4.1. Consumer prices

4.2. Producer prices

4.2. Prices in the foreign trade

5.1. Change of share of the CR in the world exports

5.2. Cost competitiveness based on real unit labour cost

5.3. Support of sophisticated activities

6.1. Changes in the relative position of the CR in the economic development compared to the EU

6.1.1. Factors influencing the loss of performance of the Czech economy Domestic demand Foreign demand

6.2. Fulfilment of the Maastricht criteria of nominal convergence

7.1. Gross domestic product per capita

7.2. Income per capita in the CR regions

7.3. Risk of poverty or social exclusion

7.4. Share of people living in households with very low intensity of work

8.1. Life expectancy at birth and other characteristics of demographic reproduction

8.2. Immigration and illegal immigration

8.3. Population Aging

8.3.1.Economic dependency ratio