Services - time series - Sales indices – monthly - Basic year 2021
Financial indicators on Transportation, Hotels and Restaurants, Information and Communication activities, and Market Services are published under the industry of Services.
- Sales indices and Production indices in Services
(Link to the Public Database of the CZSO)
- Data are newly only published in the Public database of the CZSO. Users are thereby provided better comfort for selection and presentation of data.
- A user can choose between tables Sales indices in Services and Service production indices. A user can also choose between tables with calendar effects adjusted and seasonally adjusted data or non-adjusted data. Adjusted data mainly serve to compare the indicator in time, between economic activities, and to international comparison. Data only adjusted for calendar effects are suitable for an analysis of the year-on-year development of the time series. Seasonally adjusted data (the seasonal adjustment also includes adjustment for calendar effects) are suitable for a comparison of the short-term development during individual periods of the year of one time series among themselves (month-on-month indices, quarter-on-quarter indices), for comparing time series with a different seasonal development. Non-adjusted (original) series can be used especially when we are interested in the current level of the indicator.
- Within a table, a user can select the following: year-on-year / base indices, periodicity: monthly / quarterly / annual, the last displayed period in the table.