Household Income and Living Conditions - 2008
Publication Date: 30. 10. 2009
Product Code: e-3012-09
Tables for methodology
Table 1 Households by status of head of household
Table 2 Households total by net money income per person – deciles
Table 3 Households total by net money income per EU scale equivalency - deciles
Table 4 Households of employees and pensioners by net money income per person-quintiles
Table 5 Households by relation of net money income to subsistence minimum
Table 6 Households by number of dependent children and working persons
Table 7 Households with dependent children by number of working persons
Table 8 Childless households by their members labour activity
Table 9 Households by EU household type
Table 10 Households by labour activity and age of household head
Table 11 Households by labour activity and size of municipality
Table 12 Families by type and by number of dependent children
Table 13 Households with working household head by type of household and education
Table 14.1 Households by region - 1st part
Table 14.2 Households by region - 2nd part