Business Cycle Survey in Enterprises of Industry, Construction, Trade and Selected Services - June 2012
Publication Date: 10. 07. 2012
Product Code: a-1201-12
Assessment of economic situation and demand
Expected development of total demand and export
Expected development in the field of financial management
Expected development in enterprises by number of employees
Expected development by branches
Assessment of economic situation and demand
Expected development in the field of financial management
Expected development in enterprises by number of employees
Expected development in enterprises by number of employees
Assessment of economic situation
Assessment of foreign demand
Expected total demand
Expected foreign demand
Expected number of employees
Ability to pay liabilities in time
Expected economic situation
Expected total demand
Confidence indicator in construction
Expected development in enterprises by number of employees (not seasonally adjusted)
Assessment of economic situation
Expected economic situation
Confidence indicator in trade
Expected development in enterprises by number of employees (not seasonally adjusted)