Statistická ročenka Zlínského kraje 2005
The best ... of the Zlínský region
The best ... of the Zlínský region
The highest peak | Radhošť (1 129 m) Beskydy Mountain Range |
The most populated municipality | Zlín 78 599 inhabitants the Zlín District |
The least populated municipality | Hostějov 41 inhabitants the Uherské Hradiště District |
Municipality with the highest average age | 54,7 years Kunkovice the Kroměříž District |
Municipality with the lowest average age | 33,2 years Nedašova Lhota the Zlín District |
The highest daily maximum temperature in 2004 | 32,6 °C - 22 Juli Meteorological station Holešov |
The lowest daily maximum temperature in 2004 | -17,4 °C - 25 January Meteorological station Holešov |