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Statistická ročenka Zlínského kraje 2005



Statistical Yearbook of the Zlínský Region traditionally plays a vital part among publications of the CZSO Regional Office. It is brought out – the same as in other regions – already for the fifth time; these contents-unified regional yearbooks follow the nationwide Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic, which is elaborated by the headquarters of the Czech Statistical Office. Data are published for the period 2002 – 2004, for selected indicators in a longer time series since 1993,which is the year when the independent Czech Republic was established.

The yearbook does not differ much by its contents from that brought out last year. Modifications made are related especially to acquisition of data from new single-shot statistical surveys. This year, they are especially data from the survey ENERGO 2004 (on energy consumption in households) and from the Survey on ICT Use in Households; slight modifications can be found almost in all chapters. Besides data on regions you can find here also data available by district and administrative district of municipalities with extended competence, selected data on towns and several indicators on individual municipalities. In the end of the data part of the publication there are time series of development of selected indicators in the Czech Republic in 1993 - 2004.

State statistical surveys are basic data source. Besides data sources of the Czech Statistical Office data from other departments were used, too: especially from the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Education or the Institute for Information on Education, Ministry of Health or the Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the CR. Considerable part of data published is kept in regional databases called KROK (data on regions and districts) and MOS (community and municipality statistics).

A regional yearbook, of course, cannot contain all data collected and processed by the state statistics. More detailed data from individual segments of demographic, economic and social development of a region, district, municipality, and micro-regions are brought out in specialized publications (bulletin, publications of demographic character, etc). We would like to bring attention of our readers to the fact that now we are preparing for them a separate publication called Demographic, Social and Economic Development of the Zlínský Region 2000-2004, in which all basic areas of our region’s development will be analytically evaluated.

Besides the printed form, all publications are available also in an electronic form and on a CD-ROM; a great deal of information is provided also at regional web pages of the CZSO (www.zlin.czso.cz), at which we make available to the public not only the most update results of statistical surveys, but also information on our own activity.

The reason why statistical information is acquired and processed is knowledge, seeking for tendencies in development and, moreover, its utilisation in practice. Long-term practice with the interest of users in information in regional breakdown, which has been markedly increasing recently, makes us believe that the regional statistical yearbook will continue to be a sought-after information source both for professional and general public. Of course, we will welcome your prospective suggestions and comments regarding the contents of the yearbook; they will be a valuable contribution during preparation of regional publications in 2006.

We express our thanks to all authors and colleagues for the effort and time they devoted to preparation of the contents as well as technical part of this publication.

The following symbols have been used throughout:
The symbol of dash (-) in place of a figure indicates that the phenomenon did not occur.
The symbol of dot (.) shows that the figure is not available or cannot be relied on.
The symbol of horizontal small cross (x) shows that the figure is not applicable.
The symbol of (0) used in table designates figures smaller than a half of the unit of measure chosen.
The abbreviation “i.d.” used in the tables stands for individual data, which are protected and cannot be released.

The calculations in the tables are performed using unrounded figures (including the sums).

The data given in the Yearbook are valid as at 30 September 2005 and update the data and estimates
published before.