Statistická ročenka Ústeckého kraje
The best ... of the Ústecký region
The best ... of the Ústecký region
The highest peak | Milešovka 837 m a.s.l. Litoměřice district |
The lowest point | Water surface of Labe 115 m a.s.l. (Hřensko) Děčín district |
The most populated municipality | Ústí nad Labem 93,859 population Ústí nad Labem district |
The least populated municipality | Staňkovice 30 population Litoměřice district |
Municipality with the highest average age | 49 years Zálužice 65 population Louny district |
Municipality with the lowest average age | 30 years Obrnice 2,650 population Most district |
The highest daily maximum temperature in 2004 | 33,9 °C - 12 August Meteorological station Doksany |
The lowest daily maximum temperature in 2004 | -23,5 °C - 6. January Meteorological station Doksany |