Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic
List of statistical classifiations in force
Pursuant to Act No. 89/1995 Coll., on the State Statistical Service, as last amended, the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) is responsible for producing and updating statistical classifications and nomenclatures for statistical purposes. The classifications make it possible to correctly classify observed phenomena and processes and ensure that these are comparable in terms of space and time. During the 1990s the CZSO started to develop a new system of economic, social, geographic, and other classifications which stem from valid international standards (of the UN and the EU in particular). The new classification system corresponds with the economic and social environment and the international integration of the Czech Republic (CR). At present, the CZSO and the departmental units of the Czech State Statistical Service use the following statistical classifications and nomenclatures: 1. Industrial Classification of Economic Activities, CZ-NACE Odvětvová klasifikace ekonomických činností, OKEČ Introduced by the CZSO Communication of 18 December 2003 (Vol. 160/2003 Coll.) with effect from 1 January 2004. This version corresponds to the international standard Nomenclature des Activités économiques des Communautés Européennes (NACE Rev. 1.1) (or Statistical Classification of Economic Activities of the European Communities, Rev. 1.1) which is linked with the International Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities (ISIC Rev. 3.1). It classifies all economic activities carried out by businesses, using one-character and twocharacter alphabetical codes and four-level (5-digit) numerical codes, the fourth level (5th place) showing national specifics. 2. Standard Classification of Production, CZ-CPA Standardní klasifikace produkce, SKP The CZSO Communication of 5 December 2002 (Vol. 198/2002 Coll.) introduced the second edition of the SKP with effect from 1 January 2003. The second edition corresponds to the updated edition of the international standard Central Product Classification 2002 (CPC 2002). It classifies products and services as results of economic activities of entities, broken down into five levels (6 digits). 3. Classification of Occupations, CZ-ISCO Klasifikace zaměstnání, KZAM-R Introduced by the CZSO Communication of 18 December 2003 (Vol. 160/2003 Coll.) with effect from 1 January 2004. It corresponds to the International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-88 (ILO standard) or ISCO-88(COM) (EU standard) and classifies occupations as particular activities, which are carried out by individuals and are sources of their incomes. The national classification uses a five-level breakdown (5 digits). The international standard uses four-character codes. The CZ-ISCO adds one character more to cover national specifics. 4. Classification of Basic Fields of Education Klasifikace kmenových oborů vzdělání, KKOV Introduced by the CZSO Communication of 9 September 2003 (Vol. 106/2003 Coll.) with effect from 1 October 2003 and updated by the CZSO Communication of 12 July 2004 (Vol. 149/2004 Coll.). Its educational attainment category follows up the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 1997). The KKOV classifies basic fields of education which define individual or partial areas of education according to their similarity as regards content. The code is two-dimensional: one dimension (4 digits) indicates basic branches of education, while the other (single letter) refers to educational attainment. 5. Classification of Status in Employment, CZ-ISCE Klasifikace postavení v zaměstnání, CZ-ISCE Introduced by the CZSO Communication of 18 December 2003 (Vol. 160/2003 Coll.) with effect from 1 January 2004. It corresponds to the ILO International Classification of Status in Employment and classifies the status of economically active persons (occupied jobs) in employment. 6. Classification of the Functions of Government, CZ-COFOG(99) Klasifikace funkcí vládních institucí, CZ-COFOG(99) Introduced by the CZSO Communication of 18 December 2003 (Vol. 160/2003 Coll.) with effect from 1 January 2004. It corresponds to the international standard Classification of the Functions of Government of 1999 (COFOG), which is part of the international System of National Accounts (SNA). It classifies government expenditures, using a three-level breakdown (4 digits). 7. Classification of Services of Non-profit Institutions Serving Households by Purpose, CZCOPNI(99) Klasifikace služeb neziskových institucí sloužících domácnostem podle účelu, CZ-COPNI(99) Introduced by the CZSO Communication of 18 December 2003 (Vol. 160/2003 Coll.) with effect from 1 January 2004. It corresponds to the international standard Classification of the Purposes of Non-profit Institutions Serving Households of 1999 (COPNI 99), which is part of the international System of National Accounts (SNA). It classifies individual expenditures of NPISHs by purpose they serve for, using a three-level breakdown (4 digits). 8. Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose, CZ-COICOP(99) Klasifikace individuální spotřeby podle účelu, CZ-COICOP(99) Introduced by the CZSO Communication of 18 December 2003 (Vol. 160/2003 Coll.) with effect from 1 January 2004. It corresponds to the international standard Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose of 1999, which is part of the international System of National Accounts (SNA). It classifies all kinds of individual consumption by purpose, using a three-level breakdown (4 digits). 9. Nomenclature of Countries, CZ-GEONOM Klasifikace zemí, CZ-GEONOM Introduced by the Communication of 18 December 2003 (Vol. 160/2003 Coll.) with effect from 1 January 2004 and updated by the CZSO Communication of 20 May 2004 (Vol. 109/2004 Coll.). It corresponds to the international standard Geonomenclature (GEONOM) and classifies individual countries (states and dependent territories). It includes a list of countries with numerical (three-character) and alphabetical (two-character) codes and breakdowns by geographical and economic zones. 10. Classification of Territorial Statistical Units, CZ-NUTS Klasifikace územních statistických jednotek, CZ-NUTS Introduced by the CZSO Communication of 18 December 2003 (Vol. 160/2003 Coll.) with effect from 1 January 2004 and updated by the CZSO Communication of 14 April 2004 (Vol. 74/2004 Coll.). It classifies territorial units that structurally make up the territory of the country. The structure of the classification and codes and names of the territorial units comply with Regulation (EC) No. 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS). The Czech national version includes a six-level breakdown, from national to district levels, designated by combinations of alphabetic and numerical codes. 11. Nomenclature of Institutional Sectors and Sub-sectors Číselník institucionálních sektorů a subsektorů, ČISS Introduced by the CZSO Communication of 18 December 2003 (Vol. 160/2003 Coll.) with effect from 1 January 2004. It explains selected basic concepts linked to the classifying of businesses and includes codes to designate institutional sectors and sub-sectors contained in the European System of Accounts 1995 (ESA 95). 12. International Statistical Classification of Diseases & Related Health Problems, MKN-10 Mezinárodní statististická klasifikace nemocí a přidružených zdravotních problémů, MKN-10 Introduced by the CZSO Communication of 18 December 2003 (Vol. 160/2003 Coll.) with effect from 1 January 2004. It corresponds to the international standard ICD-10, classifies diseases and related health problems and uses combinations of alphabetical and numerical codes. 13. International Classification of Diseases for Oncology Mezinárodní klasifikace nemocí pro onkologii, MKN-O-3 Introduced by the CZSO Communication of 17 January 2005 (Vol. 11/2005 Coll.) with effect from 25 January 2005. It corresponds to the international standard ICD-O-3 and classifies neoplasms with regard to histological types and topographic locations. Its breakdown uses combinations of alphabetical and numerical codes. 14. TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours, TNM TNM klasifikace zhoubných novotvarů, TNM Introduced by the CZSO Communication of 17 January 2005 (Vol. 11/2005 Coll.) with effect from 25 January 2005. It corresponds to the international standard (TNM) and classifies malignant tumours by anatomic extent of disease. Its breakdown uses combinations of alphabetical and numerical codes. 15. Nomenclature of Selected Units of Measurement and Economic Quantities Číselník vybraných měřicích jednotek a jednotek ekonomických veličin, ČVMJ Introduced by the CZSO Communication of 18 December 2003 (Vol. 160/2003 Coll.) with effect from 1 January 2004. It classifies selected units of measure used in the State Statistical Service and uses three-level codes (5 digits). 16. Nomenclature of Currencies and Funds Číselník měn a fondů, ČMF Introduced by the CZSO Communication of 18 November 2002 (Vol. 181/2002 Coll.) with effect from 1 January 2003 and updated by the CZSO Communication of 17 September 2004 (Vol. 177/2004 Coll.). It corresponds to international standard ISO 4217 and includes three-character alphabetical and numerical codes. 17. Nomenclature of Countries Číselník zemí, ČZEM Introduced by the CZSO Communication of 18 December 2003 (Vol. 160/2003 Coll.) with effect from 1 January 2004. It corresponds to international standard ISO 3166 and refers to independent states and some dependent territories. 18. Classification of Types of Constructions Klasifikace stavebních děl, CZ-CC Introduced by the CZSO Communication of 9 September 2003 (Vol. 106/2003 Coll.) with effect from 1 January 2004. It classifies all locally and spatially self-contained constructions. It uses a five-level (6 digits) breakdown. 19. Nomenclature of Municipalities with Extended Powers Číselník obcí s rozšířenou působností, CISORP Introduced by the CZSO Communication of 29 October 2002 (Vol. 163/2002 Coll.) with effect from 1 January 2003. It includes municipalities with extended competence which execute state administration as laid down in Act No. 320/2002 Coll. It uses four-character codes also related to other territorial nomenclatures. 20. Nomenclature of Municipalities with Authorized Municipal Office Číselník obcí s pověřeným obecním úřadem, CISPOU Introduced by the CZSO Communication of 29 October 2002 (Vol. 163/2002 Coll.) with effect from 1 January 2003. It includes municipalities with commissioned local authority, which executes state administration as laid down in Act No. 320/2002 Coll. It uses five-character codes also related to other territorial nomenclatures. 21. Nomenclature of Administrative Districts of the Capital City of Prague Číselník správních obvodů hl. m. Prahy, CISSOP Introduced by the CZSO Communication of 29 October 2002 (Vol. 163/2002 Coll.) with effect from 1 January 2003. It includes administrative districts of the Capital City of Prague as defined by the Resolution No. 25/18 of the Council of Representatives of the Capital City of Prague, of 21 December 2000. It uses four-character codes also related to other territorial nomenclatures. 22. Nomenclature of Municipalities Číselník obcí, CISOB Introduced by the CZSO Communication of 23 July 2002 (Vol. 128/2002 Coll.) with effect from 1 September 2002. It includes municipalities of the Czech Republic and their valid names as published in the Official Journal of the Ministry of the Interior of the CR. It uses six-character codes and is also related to other territorial nomenclatures. 23. Nomenclature of City Parts Číselník městských částí, CISMC Introduced by the CZSO Communication of 23 July 2002 (Vol. 128/2002 Coll.) with effect from 1 September 2002. It includes city parts of statutory towns, which used their powers to further divide their towns administratively and territorially, and their valid names as published in the Official Journal of the Ministry of the Interior of the CR. It uses six-character codes and provides links to other territorial nomenclatures. 24. Nomenclature of Buildings with House Numbers Číselník objektů s čísly domovními, ČOBJ-D Introduced by the CZSO Communication of 17 March 2003 (Vol. 38/2003 Coll.) with effect from 1 April 2003. It includes constructions within the Czech Republic defined by house numbers. * * * The classifications, nomenclatures and codebooks are available in the CZSO Information Services Department or at the CZSO Internet address: |