Statistická ročenka Zlínského kraje 2009
The best ... of the Zlínský Region
The best ... of the Zlínský Region
The highest point | Čertův 1,206 m a.s.l. Moravskoslezské Beskydy mountain range |
The lowest point | Water surface of Morava 173 m a.s.l. Uherské Hradiště District |
The most populated municipality | Zlín 75,860 population Zlín District |
The least populated municipality | Hostějovice 30 population Uherské Hradiště District |
Municipality with the highest average age | 58.2 years Kunkovice 52 population Kroměříž District |
Municipality with the lowest average age | 35.6 years Nedašova Lhota 737 population Zlín District |
The highest daily maximum temperature in 2008 | 31.7 °C - 23 January Meteorological station Holešov |
The lowest daily minimum temperature in 2008 | -11.3 °C - 17 February Meteorological station Holešov |