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Statistická ročenka Karlovarského kraje




The data on capacity were obtained from the annual statistical survey of the collective accommodation establishments for the purposes of tourism, which was based on the use of the Register of Accommodation Establishment, by 2007. This register is updated based on the results of this statistical survey. The source of the data is questionnaires on guests in collective accommodation establishments since 2008.

Collective accommodation establishments refer to establishments with at least five rooms or ten beds that on a regular or irregular basis provide temporary accommodation to tourists (including children) for the purpose of a holyday, trip, spa treatment, business trip, training, course, congress, symposium, children’s school in nature, summer and winter children camps. They are divided according to the category, determining the type of accommodation establishment and class defining requirements on equipment, level and range of services connected with accommodation. The collective accommodation establishments include hotels, boarding houses, holiday dwellings, campsites, tourist lodging houses and other establishments.

Hotel is an accommodation establishment with a minimum of 10 rooms for guests and varied range of rendered services, depending on its class, divided into five classes marked by stars. Boarding house is an accommodation establishment with a minimum of 5 rooms for guests divided into four classes, providing a limited range of social and supplementary services than a hotel. Accommodation services are however comparable to those available at a hotel of corresponding category. Campsite is an accommodation establishment for temporary stays of guests in their own equipment (tent, caravan, etc.), or possibly in the facilities of operator (cottages, cabins, bungalows, etc.). Holiday dwellings are establishments for temporary stays of guests solely in the operator’s facilities (cottages, log cabins, bungalows). Lodging house for tourists is a simpler type of accommodation establishment with a greater number of beds in rooms for guests. Among other accommodation establishments belong, e.g. recreational facilities of companies (trade unions), spas, training centres of companies (trade unions), apartment type accommodation and other accommodation establishments allocating some bed capacity for tourism (such as young people’s homes, halls of residence, lodging houses managed by companies, etc).

Beds in accommodation establishments are all permanent beds used for the overnight rest of guests (they exclude extra beds). Places for tents and caravans refer to number of places for tents, caravans and campers. Average price for accommodation is given without the price of breakfast (if the price for breakfast is included in the price of the room) and without VAT.

Guests in an accommodation establishment are persons (including children and excluding owners and operating personnel of the accommodation establishment) who use services of the accommodation establishment for their temporary stay. Persons who use accommodation establishment for temporary stay for the purpose of employment or full-time study are not included. The length of temporary stay shall not exceed 1 year for the guest to be taken as a tourist. A resident (domestic visitor) is considered a person with a permanent stay in the Czech republic. It can therefore be a citizen of the Czech Republic as well as a foreign citizen permanently living in the Czech Republic. A non-resident (international visitor) is hence a person, which permanently lives in other country (including citizens of the Czech Republic permanently living abroad.

The average price for accommodation per persons and night represents the share of net annual sales for accommodation and the number of overnight stays of visitors for the given year. It is given without the price of breakfast (if the price of breakfast is included in the price of the room) and without value added tax.

The average length of stay is by one unit higher than the average number of overnight stays. The net use of bed places gives the net occupancy rate for permanent beds that were really available to guests. The calculation is based on the average number of available beds and the number of days on which the accommodation establishment was run. The use of rooms gives the net occupancy rate for rooms. The calculation is based on the number of implemented room-days (i.e. the total number of days on which the rooms were occupied by at least one guest) and the total number of room-days.

In order to present the Czech Republic in a more attractive way especially abroad, 15 tourism regions were defined in 1998 – 1999, for which a specific kind of tourism is typical. For the needs of domestic tourism, these tourism regions were then further broken down to 43 tourism districts.

The sample survey on tourism is run in the Czech Republic every month and is the source of information on long and short domestic trips. The survey is based on a two-stage random sample where census districts are units for the first stage while simple random sampling of dwellings in the census districts is carried out in the second stage. The data are measured on one selected member of household who is over 15 and usually lives in the dwelling under survey. He/she is asked about trips he/she made in the reference month for the purpose of spending leisure and recreation, outside his/her usual environment (permanent or temporary residence, workplace, school, etc.). The data ascertained in this manner are then grossed up to 15+ population, using coefficients.

A long trip is a trip taken for the purpose of spending leisure and for recreation in which the person stayed over night at least four times in succession outside his/her usual environment.

A short trip is a trip taken for the purpose of spending leisure and for recreation in which the person stayed over night at least once but not more than three times in succession outside his/her usual environment (weekend stays included).

The overnight stay refers to accommodation for the night at a collective accommodation establishment or accommodation for the night in private, whether paid or not, i.e. in own weekend house, with relatives or friends or in the open air. Included are also nights spent on means of transport (train or bus) to and from the destination of trip, on means of transport on round trips, and during trips from one place to another.

Expenditures on short and long trips include:

  • expenditures on the trip
  • expenditures on accommodation outside the trip proper (incl. meals included in the price of accommodation)
  • expenditures on meals outside the trip proper
  • expenditures on transport outside the trip proper
  • purchases for goods in shops
  • other expenditures
The total expenditures exclude purchases of merchandise, capital goods, cash handed over to relatives during the trip (which is not payment for tourist goods and services), presents for institutions, etc.


The data on transport, except for local roads, were obtained from external sources – from the Ministry of Transport of the CR (outputs of road transport of goods, public bus transport and rail transport), Railway Infrastructure Administration (length of railway lines), Road and Motorway Directorate of the CR (length of road network) and the Ministry of Interior of the CR (Motor Vehicle Register).

The length of operated railway lines is the length of continuous rail tracks. It does not include other transport and handling tracks. The road network includes overall lengths of roads classified to classes I, II and III (including their sections in cities, towns and villages, which are incorporated into the network). The numbers of vehicles are taken over from the Motor Vehicle Register administered by the Ministry according to the evidence of municipal offices of municipalities with extended powers (municipal authorities). Registered only are motor vehicles with registration plates assigned as at 31 December.

Fixed part of the chapter is extended by two tables showing data on local roads obtained from the CZSO statement based on reports from municipalities including city parts of the Capital City of Prague. The data cover the year 2006 and are published without grossing up, i.e. for more than 94% of municipalities of the Czech Republic, which presented the report. The survey does not include only smaller municipalities with the population less than 5 000.

Classification of local roads is based on function class of the road:

  • Express roads include roads of the two following classes: A1 and A2. A1 class comprises express roads in the cities with the population over 250 thousand, through highways and through express roads in the cities with 100+ thousand inhabitants, links to highways and express roads. A2 class comprises express roads in the cities with the population over 50 thousand, through express roads in the cities with 20+ thousand inhabitants and links to express roads.
  • Collector roads comprise roads of the two following classes: B1 and B2. B1 is used for collector roads in the cities with over 20 thousand inhabitants, for through roads in cities and important municipalities connecting the 1st and 2nd class roads. B2 designates collector roads servicing smaller living areas and the 3rd class through roads.
  • City classes, service roads include C1, C2 and C3 classes. C1 are seen as city classes of mostly social importance in the existing built-up area. C2 are service roads complementing the link of collectors in the existing and new built-up areas. As C3 are designated service roads providing access to houses and areas and sometimes they are cul-de-sac roads.
  • Pedestrian and living zones, cycleways and routes for pedestrians include roads of the three following classes: D1, D2 and D3. D1 includes pedestrian zones in historical and business city centres and in living zones. D2 comprises cycleways and lanes designed for cyclists. D3 designation is used for pedestrian routes, pavements, passages and other similar things.

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Other regional information on transport is available in the following CZSO publications:


Transport in Regional Context

Other information is published on the CZSO web pages: