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Statistická ročenka Olomouckého kraje



Elections to the European Parliament took place in all EU Member States from 4 to 7 June 2009. In the Czech Republic elections were held for the second time and were declared on the basis of the decision of the EU Council by the President of the Czech Republic in President’s Decision No. 46/2009 Sb., on 5 – 6 June 2009.

By the accession of the Czech Republic to the EU on 1 May 2004 the citizens of the Czech Republic acquired the right to elect their representatives to the European Parliament, representative body of the European Union. In the elections held in 2009, the number of 736 euro deputies from 27 EU member states was fixed, of which 22 deputies from the Czech Republic (i.e. 2 deputies less compared to the last term of office). Any citizen of the Czech Republic or other EU Member State might become a member of the European Parliament if he/she not later than the second day of the elections had been at least 45 days registered as the Czech citizen, had attained 21 years of age and had not been deprived of his/her legal capacity and the right to be elected. The members of the European Parliament are elected for a five year period. The Czech Republic forms one electoral region. Each voter chose one list of candidates and could mark not more than two candidates in the ballot whom he preferred to give his/her vote to. Elections to the European Parliament in the Czech Republic are governed by Act no. 62/2003 Sb., on Elections to the European Parliament and Amendments to Certain Acts. Lists of candidates for elections to the European Parliament were submitted by registered political parties, political movements and their coalitions to the Ministry of Interior. The number of candidates on the list of candidates might be by a third bigger than the number of the European Parliament members elected in the Czech Republic. The system of proportional representation was applied in checking the election results. Seats were allocated using the d´Hondt´s method to the candidate electoral parties obtaining at least 5% of valid votes and qualifying thereby for scrutiny. With the aim to obtain preferential seats within the electoral party the respective candidate had to receive such number of preferential votes constituting at least 5% of the total number of votes won by the party in the election region.

Registered voters – number of persons registered in the electoral roll (persons meeting statutory conditions to exercise their active right to vote).
Official envelopes issued – number of voters, persons who received official envelope
Received official envelopes – number of official envelopes, which the voters put into the polling box
Turnout – share of the number of voters (persons who received official envelope) and registered voters (persons included in electoral rolls).
Number of candidates – number of candidates for the election (excl. recalled and withdrawn candidates).
Number of seats – number of elected seats for the given type of elected government.
Shares of votes of individual parties in the total are not rounded but in compliance with legal regulation on elections the figures are to 2 decimal places using the “cutoff” function.

Total results of the elections to the European Parliament up to the level of electoral wards are available on the CZSO web site www.volby.cz.

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