Statistická ročenka Jihočeského kraje
The best ... of the Jihočeský Region
The best ... of the Jihočeský Region
The highest point | Plechý (1 378 m) Šumava Mountain Range |
The lowest point | Water surface of the Orlík Reservoir (330 m) the Písek District |
The most populated municipality | České Budějovice 94,936 inhabitants the České Budějovice District |
The least populated municipality | Vlkov 19 inhabitants the České Budějovice District |
Municipality with the highest average age | 57.6 years Probulov 47 inhabitants the Písek District |
Municipality with the lowest average age | 332,1 years Pěčnov 121 inhabitants the Prachatice District |
The highest daily maximum temperature in 2008 | 332,5°C - 1 August Meteorological station Tábor |
The lowest daily minimum temperature in 2008 | -14.6 °C - 17 February Meteorological station Churáňov |