Statistická ročenka Pardubického kraje
The best ... of the Pardubický Region
The best ... of the Pardubický Region
The highest point | Králický Sněžník 1 424 m above sea level Ústí nad Orlicí district |
The lowest point | surface of the Labe river 201 m above sea level Pardubice district |
The most populated municipality | Pardubice 89 892 inhabitants Pardubice district |
The least populated municipality | Vysoká 34 inhabitants Svitavy district |
Municipality with the highest average age | Žlebské Chvalovice 54.7 years; 80 inhabitants Chrudim district |
Municipality with the lowest average age | Němčice 32.0 years; 409 inhabitants Pardubice district |
The highest daily maximum temperature in 2008 | 27.3 °C - 31 May meteorological station Svratouch (737 m.a.s.l.) |
The lowest daily minimum temperature in 2008 | -12.0 °C - 17 February meteorological station Svratouch (737 m.a.s.l.) |