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Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic


The Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic gives a comprehensive statistical overview of all industries of the national economy. Significant data are supplemented with international comparisons of the EU countries and of the CR's individual regions and areas established on 1 January 2000.
Reproduction of extracts from this book is possible, except for commercial purposes, on condition that a reference to their source is made. Quotations may only be published if the source „Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic“ and the source of statistics released in the Yearbook are given.

The Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic 2005 is brought out as a book and on CD-ROM. The CZSO’s websites ( present extracts from the publication related to the time it is brought out and its full contents after three months. Publishing and distributing the book form of the Yearbook are entrusted to Scientia Publishers. The electronic form of the Yearbook can be ordered and bought from the CZSO Information Services Unit (address: Český statistický úřad, oddělení informačního servisu, Na padesátém 81, Praha 10, Czech Republic).

The CZSO welcomes all comments and suggestions as to the contents of the Yearbook. These will be taken account of when next year’s edition of the Yearbook is designed. You are kindly invited to send them in writing to the address mentioned above, e-mail them to or, or phone them to the CZSO’s Macroeconomic Analyses and Analytical Methods Department (telephone: +420 274 052 341 or +420 274 052 890).