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Areas Under Farm Crops Census:



In the year 2002 Czech Statistical Office harmonized crop statistical survey according to the legislative regulations and recommendations effective in the member states of the European Union. The range of the statistical survey (selected sample of reporting units) is derived from update Farm register.). Data collection by entrepreneurial subjects is on the basis of sample selection and results are completed a sum with the use of mathematical-statistical methods.

Sowing areas surveyed as of 31 May are spring productive land which is expected to give a harvest in the respective year, it means areas of winter crops sown in autumn of previous year, areas with perennial crops sown in previous years and areas of spring crops sown in a respective year. Sowing areas are areas with plants cultivated as main crop in a respective year. Areas with catch crops, areas sown and harvested before main crop and also crops ploughed in are not surveyed. But crops sown on areas which had been ploughed under in the respective year are surveyed. Total of sowing areas includes besides crops on arable land also crops sown at orchards, gardens, hop-fields and temporarily ploughed permanent grassland.

Areas with cereals and legumes are included only in the case if they are harvested for grain. Cereals which are harvested in the milk maturity or for rotary driers are included in “other annual fodder plants”. Ergotic rye is included only in the range of grain production expected, other area with ergotic rye is calculated under item of “medicinal crops”. Mixture of cereals including mixture of oats and barley furthermore millet, pagan, sorghum harvested for grain are included in “other cereals”. Legumes for fodder and other legumes, mixture of legumes and mixtures of cereals and legumes are under item of “other legumes”.

Early potatoes are those potatoes which are supposed to be harvested before 30 June. Under item “other potatoes” are calculated potatoes for industrial processing and human consumption. Under item “other root crops” are included areas with turnip, pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke, turnip cabbage and area with “other fodder root crops” (fodder carrots, fodder beet, fodder kale etc.).
Turnip rape, crambe, saflor and so on are calculated under item of “other oil crops”. Chicory root (in netto weight), hemp, tobacco and so on are indicated under item of “other industrial crops”.

Annual green fodder as a main crop (catch crops and crops sown after harvest of main crops are not included) includes autumn and spring mixtures, bean for green feeding and so on. Areas with clover and lucerne do not include areas under-sown with cover plant. “Other perennial fodder plants” also include perennial fodder plants sown into oats for hay production, temporary grasses on arable land and perennial grasses on arable land for fodder production and for seed.

Areas for production of early, summer and late vegetables (including hotbeds and greenhouses) are calculated as a sum, areas sown repeatedly are not surveyed in order to prevent double-counting. “Other areas” include areas of testing lots, possibly areas with crops not included in other items. Areas of arable land that are not cultivated from different reasons (not sown or without seeding) are indicated out of total sowing area under item of “Fallow”.

Published republic data and regional ones (classification NUTS 3) are calculated with a use of non-rounded values.