Information on the Environment in the CR (1999-2004)
List of abbreviations | Contents |
AOPK Nature and Landscape Conservation Agency
BSK5 biological oxygen demand
ČHMÚ Czech Institute of Hydrometorology
CHSK chemical oxygen demand
ČIŽP Czech Environmental Inspection
ČSÚ Czech Statistical Office
ČÚZK Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastral
ČZPI Czech Agricultural and Food Inspection
FNM National Property Fund
i.d. individual data
IH8h an average 8 hours concentration of pollutant
IHd an average daily concentration of pollutant
IHr an average annual concentration of pollutant
MF ČR Ministry of Finance of the CR
Mze ČR Ministry of Agriculture of the CR
MŽP ČR ministry of the Environment of the CR
PM10 Respirable fraction of suspended particulate matter with aerodynamic average of 50% of particle below 10 mm
REZZO Register of Emissions and Air Polluters
SFŽP National Environment Fund
SPM Suspended particulate matter
SVS ČR State Veterinary Administration of the CR
ÚHUL Institute of Forestry Management
ÚZIS Institute for Health Information and Statistics