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Focus on Women and Men

3. Health



All information on the health establishments of the Czech Republic and the health state of the population is collected by the Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic (IHIS CR) on the basis of departmental statistical surveys and mandatory notification by health establishments.

Basic indicators on number of employees in health service – Source: Annual questionnaire on registered number of employees and employers, numbers of actual persons are given.

Physicians by main branch of activity – Source: Register of physicians, dentists and pharmacists. In processing by main branch of activity each worker is classified by branch, in which he/she has the highest workload, in the case of the same workloads by branch, in which he/she has higher qualification. (Each physician is included only once – as actual person, even in the case that he/she has a load in more branches.) Data provided apply to registered number of workers, i.e. those who were active in the relevant time. Data include also dentists.

Abortions – Source: Mandatory notification “Application for induced abortion, notification on abortion and ectopic pregnancy.” Data provided apply to females with Czech nationality.

Decree 11/1988 of the Ministry of Health of the CR defines the abortion as the termination of a pregnancy in which:
a) the foetus does not show any sign of life and its birth weight is below 1 000 g or cannot be measured, if the pregnancy takes less than 28 weeks,
b) the foetus shows at least one of the signs of life and its birth weight is below 500 g, but it does not live longer than 24 hours after delivery,
c) the foetal egg without a foetus or gestational decidua is removed out of the female's uterus.

Abortion is also termination of an ectopic pregnancy or legally induced abortion made according to special regulations.

Hospitalization – Source: National register of hospitalized persons. The following is considered to be one case: each termination of hospitalization at one department (it does not matter whether the hospitalization was terminated by a release or death of a patient or his or her transfer to another department of a health establishment). The table provides hospitalized persons at all departments of hospitals from all Sectors. The released and dead from psychiatric in-patient establishments are patients from psychiatric departments of hospitals and psychiatric institutes including the Psychiatric centre in Prague-Bohnice. Until 1997 the data come from health establishments of the Health Sector, from 1998 they come from all Sectors.

Tuberculosis (TB) – The number of notified diseases includes newly notified diseases including relapses in the relevant year; included are pulmonary tuberculosis (which make up almost 90% of all diseases) and TB of other organs.

Malignant neoplasms – data are drawn from the register of malignant neoplasms; they include all malignant neoplasms including in situ neoplasms and diagnosis C 44, which means “Other neplasm of skin” (its occurrence is rather high, but mortality is quite low).

Congenital malformations – Source: Obligatory statistical notification of “Congenital malformation of foetus or child” and for data since 2000 also obligatory statistical “Notification of birth”. Congenital malformations are measured according to chapter XVII: ICD-10 “Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities”. Data mentioned apply to live births in the relevant year, in which a congenital malformation was diagnosed and notified within the first year of life.

Average percentage of incapacity for work per year is calculated from calendar days of incapacity for work due to disease or injury divided by the average number of the sickness insured, multiplied by the number of calendar days in a year.

Average number of the sickness insured - the indicator shows the average number of persons who are sickness insured according to the Sickness Insurance of Employed Persons Act 54/56 as last amended.

Excluded from this statutory insurance are regular members of the armed forces, foreign nationals (not residing on the territory of the Czech republic), employees working in the Czech Republic for an employer not based (having no seat) in the Czech Republic, and employees with occasional jobs only. The average number of the sickness insured does not include women on maternity leave and temporary members of the armed forces.

Cases of incapacity for work – refer to newly notified cases of incapacity for work due to injury or disease.

Calendar days of incapacity for work – the number of calendar days on which employees insured for sickness were incapable to work (based on reported beginning and end of the incapacity)

Deaths: analysed by cause – On 1 January 1994 the 10th decennial revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10), formerly the International Classification of Diseases, Injuries and Causes of death (ICDICD), was put into use in the CR by Act 278/1992 of the Czech National Council. The organization responsible for its use in practice is the Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the CR. Unlike its 9th revision, the ICD-10 uses a four-character alphanumerical code consisting of one letter and three digits. However, a three-character alpha numerical code is employed for basic statistical treatment. The range of the causes of dead has been considerably expanded, and the names and the order of cause of death have been changed, too. There is no full comparability between ICD-9 and ICD-10.

Health care costs – the survey results from the OECD methodology - System of Health Accounts (SHA); measured are costs for health care of health insurance companies from the point of view of age and sex of the insured and selected diagnoses from the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). Data come from the CZSO survey. An average is a weighted arithmetic mean, in which the weights are numbers of the insured by age group (it is a proportion of total costs for females/males in the total number of females/males).