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Population of Municipalities of the Czech Republic,



The Czech Statistical Office processes the balance of population in municipalities based on the results of Population Census 2001 and the consecutive statistical accounts on births, deaths and migration. These territorial changes were executed since 2006:

Constitution of independent municipalities as of 1 July 2006:
- Ladná in the district Břeclav
- Držovice in the district Prostějov

Termination of independent municipality as of 19 October 2006:
- Hostovice in the district Pardubice

Change the name of municipality as of 1 January 2007:
- Lahošt to Lahošť in the district Teplice

Based on the Decree No. 513/2006 Coll., which modifies the Decree No. 564/2002 Coll., on the districts of the Czech Republic, were 119 municipalities shifted between the districts as of 1 January 2007:

- Sedlec Prčice from district Benešov to district Příbram
- Olovnice from district Kladno to district Mělník
- Vrbová Lhota from district Kolín to district Nymburk
- Černé Voděrady, Jevany, Konojedy, Kostelec nad Černými Lesy, Kozojedy, Nučice, Oleška, Oplany, Prusice, Stříbrná Skalice, Štíhlice, Vlkančice, Výžerky, Vyžlovka from district Kolín to district Praha-východ
- Borek, Dřísy, Konětopy, Křenek, Lhota, Záryby from district Mělník to district Praha-východ
- Hlavenec, Kostelní Hlavno, Sudovo Hlavno from district Mladá Boleslav to district Praha-východ
- Choťovice, Pňov-Předhradí, Tatce, Žehuň from district Nymburk to district Kolín
- Řehenice from district Praha-východ to district Benešov
- Čakovičky, Kojetice, Postřižín from district Praha-východ to district Mělník
- Dolany from district Praha-západ to district Mělník
- Lány from district Rakovník to district Kladno
- Dražíč from district Písek to district České Budějovice
- Čenkov u Bechyně from district Tábor to district České Budějovice
- Černíkov from district Domažlice to district Klatovy
- Borovy, Nezdice from district Klatovy to district Plzeň-jih
- Chválenice, Letkov, Lhůta, Losiná, Mokrouše, Nezbavětice, Nezvěstice, Starý Plzenec, Šťáhlavy, Štěnovický Borek, Tymákov from district Plzeň-jih to district Plzeň-město
- Dýšina, Chrást, Kyšice from district Plzeň-sever to district Plzeň-město
- Teplá from district Karlovy Vary to district Cheb
- Jablonné v Podještědí, Janovice v Podještědí from district Česká Lípa to district Liberec
- Jílovice, Ledce, Vysoký Újezd from district Rychnov nad Kněžnou to district Hradec Králové
- Leština, Nové Hrady, Řepníky, Stradouň, Vinary from district Chrudim to district Ústí nad Orlicí
- Radhošť, Týnišťko from district Pardubice to district Ústí nad Orlicí
- Němčice, Sloupnice, Vlčkov from district Ústí nad Orlicí to district Svitavy
- Meziříčko from district Jihlava to district Žďár nad Sázavou
- Brtnička, Hrutov, Kněžice from district Třebíč to district Jihlava
- Oslavička, Tasov from district Třebíč to district Žďár nad Sázavou
- Běleč, Brumov, Březina, Bukovice, Hluboké Dvory, Lomnice, Ochoz u Tišnova, Osiky, Rašov, Rohozec, Strhaře, Synalov, Unín, Zhoř from district Blansko to district Brno-venkov
- Cvrčovice, Ivaň, Pasohlávky, Pohořelice, Přibice, Vlasatice, Vranovice from district Břeclav to district Brno-venkov
- Mouchnice from district Vyškov to district Hodonín
- Branišovice, Loděnice, Šumice, Troskotovice from district Znojmo to district Brno-venkov
- Lipinka from district Šumperk to district Olomouc
- Bělov from district Kroměříž to district Zlín
- Sosnová from district Bruntál to district Opava
- Horní Bludovice from district Frýdek-Místek to district Karviná
- Stará Ves nad Ondřejnicí, Šenov, Václavovice, Vratimov from district Frýdek-Místek to district Ostrava-město
- Klimkovice, Olbramice, Vřesina, Zbyslavice from district Nový Jičín to district Ostrava-město
- Čavisov, Dolní Lhota, Horní Lhota, Velká Polom from district Opava to district Ostrava-město

It is important to mention that published numbers, based on the balance of population of the CZSO, differ from the evidence of municipal authorities, administrated according to the Act No. 133/2000 Coll.

Josef Škrabal
The director of the Department

Prague, 15 August 2007