Statistická ročenka Jihomoravského kraje
14. TERRITORIAL COMPARISONS Based on constitutional Act No. 347/97 Sb., on the Establishment of Higher Territorial Self-Governing Units, of 3 December 1997, the Czech Republic was split into 14 regions (NUTS 3) on 1 January 2000. According to this Act, Resolution of the Czech Republic’s Government No. 707/1998, Act No. 89/1995 Sb., on the State Statistical Service (Article 19 (1)), and the agreement with the Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat), the Czech Statistical Office put into use the Classification of Territorial Statistical Units for Statistics (CZ-NUTS). The classification NUTS (La Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques) constitutes a fundamental systematic tool for the needs of statistics, analyses and provision of statistical information to the European Union. It is used for statistical monitoring and analysis of social and economic conditions in regions (NUTS 3), as well as for the preparation, implementation and evaluation of regional policies. Since 1998, the classification has been used in EU legislation at the level NUTS 2, in particular for the tasks tied with drawing resources out of the so-called Structural Funds of the EU. The classification has six levels (NUTS 0 to 3), which stand for size groups and are characterized by population and area. At lower levels “local administrative units“ were introduced. |
NUTS 0 | refers to the state of the Czech Republic |
NUTS 1 | refers to the territory of the Czech Republic |
NUTS 2 | refers to cohesivene regions, i.e. to 8 groupings of regions (NUTS 3) |
NUTS 3 | refers to regions, i.e. to 14 higher territorial self-governing units |
LAU 1 | refers to districts, i.e. to 76 districts and Prague |
LAU 2 | refers to municipalities, i.e. to 6 249 municipalities, usually basic territorial units |
Data sources: | |
Types of land: | Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre |
Unemployment: | Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the CR |
Lengths of roads: | Road databank Ostrava |
Means of transport: | Ministry of the Interior of the CR |
Education: | Institute for Information on Education |
Health: | Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the CR |
Social establishments: | Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the CR |
Social security: | Czech Social Security Administration |
Crime, accidents: | Police Headquarters of the CR |
Fires: | Ministry of the Interior of the CR - Headquarters of the Fire Rescue Service of the CR |
Unless stated otherwise, the data published are derived from statistical surveys taken by the CZSO.
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Other regional information on territorial comparisons is available in the following CZSO publications:
e-13- 6402 -08 | Statistical Bulletin of the Jihomoravský region |
1303-08 | Districts of the Czech Republic 2007 |
1304-08 | Regions of the Czech Republic 2007 |
Other information is published on the CZSO web pages: - Czech Statistical Office Brno - Public database Czech Statistical Office
/regions_towns_ - Regions, Towns, ...