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Prague - First Hand Figures

Introductory word


Dear users,

We present you the very first statistical summary of the Capital City of Prague for the year 2011. This overview represents the variety of data that the Czech Statistical Office produces and provides to users.

Data that are published in this booklet were obtained thanks to your willingness to answer questions included in statistical surveys of the Czech Statistical Office in households, enterprises or government institutions. This data find use among wide range of users, including the very same who have provided them in the first place - private enterprises, state institutions and general public.

CZSO web pages are the main source of statistical data for their users. Statistical data on each of 14 Czech regions and its spatial units are published on web sites of regional offices of the Czech Statistical Office. Virtually, all standard data covering the whole Prague and its city sections can be found at where also all publications are available.

Some of the statistical data are presented in English language too: Statistical Yearbook of Prague (Numeri Pragenses), Lexicon of Prague and time series on should be mentioned.

At the end of this brochure, you will find outputs that we plan to publish this year. However, we would like to draw your attention to a publication we brought out the previous year. It is called Vývoj obyvatelstva hl. m. Prahy 2001-2010 (Development of Prague Population 2001-2010), which is brought out once a ten years since 1958 and contains detailed demographic data broken down into city sections.

In 2011, Population and Housing Census 2011 took place. Considering the importance of the survey, we included data from this blanket survey in here. We would like to point out, that data published in this brochure are preliminary and are presented according to permanent residence of persons. Publication of definitive results according to usual residence of persons (where persons have declared they live) from census 2011 is planned for 3rd and 4th quarter of 2012.

This way we would like to encourage data users to get in touch with us. Contacts can be found on the last page of this brochure.

Jana Podhorská

Head of Information Services Unit
Regional Office of the Czech Statistical Office in the Capital City of Prague


Published: 29.6. 2012
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.