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Persons of Roma Nationality by Type of Census Household in Slovakia According to the 2021 Population and Housing Census

Branislav Šprocha
Demografie, 66(3): 181–196

The aim of the article was to analyse the census households of persons of Roma nationality in Slovakia according to the results of the Population and Household Census 2021. Moreover, we also tried to point out some factors that could influence possible differences between the structure of the census households of the Roma and non-Roma population.

Our results show that people of Roma nationality more often live in complete family households with dependent children and form their family at a younger age. Cohabiting couples also make up a significant portion of households. In the context of high non-marital fertility, single parent households are probably also a very important social group. Conversely, households of individuals are less common compared in the Roma than in the non-Roma population. A specific feature of Roma households is also the more frequent presence of men and women living in multi-person non-family households.

Roma population, census households, complete family, cohabitation, single parent household, multi-person non-family household, Slovakia