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Notifications of the government deficit and debt

Notification of government deficit and debt

The notification of government deficit and debt is compiled for past four years as a rule and submitted by each member state of the EU twice a year, regularly at the close of March and September, including a projection for the current year. The calculation of the aggregates requested relies on the methodology of the European system of national accounts (ESA 95). Pursuant to the Maastricht criteria, the deficit and the cumulated debt should not exceed 3% of GDP and 60% of GDP, respectively.

Net borrowing (deficit) of general government (in current year)
CZK bn
-166 787
-170 558
-80 559
-107 637
General government consolidated gross debt (at end of year)
CZK bn
702 324
774 989
855 102
903 494
Gross domestic product (GDP)
CZK bn
2 464 432
2 577 110
2 781 060
2 970 261
General government deficit in % of GDP
General government debt in % of GDP

The government deficit/surplus and the government debt reflect the financial performance of all institutional units classified to the general government sector – they are governmental departments, territorial self-governing units, some semi-budgetary (subsidized) organizations, state and other extra-budgetary funds (e.g. National Property Fund, Land Fund, Support and Guarantee Agricultural and Forestry Fund or Vine-grower Fund), Railway Infrastructure Administration, transformation institutions, public universities, and health insurance companies.
Government deficit/surplus – EDP B.9 - refers to net borrowing (-) or net lending (+) including interest on swap transactions. It shows the ability of the general government sector to finance other entities (+) or the need of the general government sector to be financed (-).
Government debt includes, by definition, liabilities of the general government sector resulting from currency emissions (not applicable to the CR), received deposits, issued securities other than shares (except for financial derivatives), and received loans.
The Czech Statistical Office compiles the requested indicators for past years (2002-2005 in this case). The data are gradually refined, depending on the compilation and major revisions of annual national accounts and on methodological changes stemming from adjustments to respective EU regulations. Besides, they reflect changes made in accordance with recommendations of Eurostat (laid down in the Government Deficit and Debt Manual), recommendations set out in the conclusions of the external mission or implemented during the process of compiling notifications.
The data shown in the table above were sent to Eurostat within the scope of the autumn EDP notification on 29 September 2006. In comparison with the spring notification 2006, the data are based on more detail information on government transactions. Revenue data have been specified, e.g., in the areas of tax revenue or revenue from capital transfers; expenditure data are specified in the areas of gross fixed capital formation, foreign debt cancellation, and interest, as the following table shows:
Explanation of the most important changes in indicators included in EDP notifications (in CZK million)

Net borrowing(+)/lending(-)
Difference against notifications of 1 April
S.13General government
-30 942
S.1311Central government
-22 264
S.1313Local government
-9 311
S.1314Social security funds

Most important changes in NA items of S.13
Effect on
EDP B.9General government
-30 942
D.2 (R)Taxes on production and imports
-10 338
Refined data of MF CR on VAT
D.413 (U)Interest – from other sectors
-1 152
Reclassified item of profit and loss statement of CKA (previously in the revaluation account without effect on deficit)
D.5 (R)Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.
-4 252
Refined data of MF CR on income taxes
D.51 (U)Taxes on income
Newly submitted audited financial statements incl. taxes on income
P.51Gross fixed capital formation ( - )
-13 872
CZSO refined estimate based on annual statistical reports
P.52Changes in inventories ( - )
CZSO refined estimate based on annual statistical reports
P.53Acquisitions less disposals of valuables ( - )
CZSO refined estimate based on annual statistical reports
K.2Acquisitions less disposals of non-produced              non-financial assets ( - )
1 594
CZSO refined estimate based on annual statistical reports
D.9Capital transfers receivable ( + )
1 673
EU subsidies and estimate of gratuitous transfers
D.993Other capital transfers – to other sectors (-)
-2 934
Particularly effect of cancellation of Russian Federation’s debt based on new information (-2254)
D.631 (U)Social benefits in kind
Refined estimate based on annual statistical reports and MF CR refinement of costs of health care paid by insurance corporations
D.72 (R)Non-life insurance claims
Methodological adjustment and completing of source data from annual statistical reports
D.71 (U)Net non-life insurance premiums
Methodological adjustment and completing of source data from annual statistical reports
D.39 (-R), D.51 (U), D.73, D.75…Other
New data on drawing on capital funds to support insurance of farmers and inclusion of income taxes into costs of units
R = Resources; U = Uses
The estimated levels of government deficit and debt in the March notifications for the previous year are always based in part on preliminary information combined with the application of extrapolation methods and expert guesses.
The Ministry of Finance is responsible for the projection of government deficit and debt for current year (now 2006) and also for its publication.
Statement of the European Commission can be expected in the second half of October 2006.
Prague, 2 October 2006